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GTA: San Andreas

Střílení na vozidlech / Shooting on vehicles

GTA: San Andreas
niCe niCe 1.11.2020
Poslední update znemožnil hráčům střílení, pokud stáli na vozidle, které se pohybovalo rychle. Záměrem bylo zamezit hráčům, aby stáli na vozidle a stříleli na každého z minigunu a RPG, což bylo hodně overpowered.

The last update disabled players to shoot when standing on vehicles which move fast. The intention is to stop players to kill everyone with minigun and RPG while standing on moving vehicles, which was a lot overpowered.

Znovu povolit / Enable again

Toksik Toksik
ArabNiger69 ArabNiger69
Kaizokuu Kaizokuu
xUnClyde xUnClyde
BloodSeeKerz BloodSeeKerz
4ounru 4ounru
IndianMan IndianMan
C3nT C3nT
404SyazwanNotFound 404SyazwanNotFound
KnedlDX KnedlDX
MedicimbalovyBalon MedicimbalovyBalon
Blazee Blazee
kingslayer30 kingslayer30
MrFreekill MrFreekill
Villa Villa
Hanzzz Hanzzz
TheVib3s TheVib3s
Puscifer Puscifer
Cr1njutu Cr1njutu
tabishmon tabishmon
Kolsa Kolsa
ElectronicsPro ElectronicsPro
MindBlown MindBlown
MrTerminator MrTerminator
LegendaSK LegendaSK
Sulrii Sulrii
Harathi Harathi
Portgaz Portgaz
Fandango Fandango
xDeW1 xDeW1
Esham4life Esham4life
Pendragon Pendragon
Tuck Tuck
Franceee Franceee
Applee Applee

Nechat zakázané / Keep it disabled

Playss2 Playss2
Gibbson Gibbson
BrieferSphinx96 BrieferSphinx96
Mitrixsen Mitrixsen
Jimeno Jimeno
Dudkenzie Dudkenzie
Mazze Mazze
Vedran Vedran
R3dfield R3dfield
Banshee Banshee
Factor Factor
niCe niCe

Je mi to jedno / I don't care

FarquadPeng FarquadPeng
JimmyCarter JimmyCarter

Všechny jsem tak zabíjel / I used it to kill everyone

Komentáře (43)

Eclhezya Level 35 27.11.2020 11:24
Enable again
2013SiD Legendární hráč Level 88 11.11.2020 13:51

Onty Level 60 10.11.2020 12:44
So does this vote influence anything? Is the update still in place? Sounds good, I was considering playing again as I got bit more time on my hands and this looks like it might be a way to get rid of a massive annoyance I experienced last time I played. :D
aozyz n00b Level 145 3.11.2020 08:53
je blbost obmedzovat typy zabijani
Plantera Zákeřný Vrah Level 83 2.11.2020 13:43
Standing on cars was really helpful, so my Suggestion is that we cant shoot while standing on moving cars, and we dont lose hp
Shinobi Level 173 2.11.2020 07:06
Hi, this is just my opinion do not quote and argue. Shooting while standing on vehicles should be prohibited only if you have heavy weapons equipped. Assault and other weapons should remain the same, given a speed limit. I fully know that it isn't a deathmacthing server, considering the fact that we now have NPCs to kill in gangwars and mental to care for even when killing bountied/mugged players. This just makes assassination lose it's essence.
Kastor3756 Level 62 1.11.2020 21:15
The update is meh personally, since I'm late and I can't vote I'd just say I would vote for keeping it disabled (also adjusting it, aka how it works).Why do I want it disabled?Simply it's way too overpowered to gangbang someone, a sultan with 5 kids on it going to ram you and spread your cheeks. Now I suggest adjusting it like this, make it so you can't even stand on a vehicle while it's driving, showing a message you slipped off.Would make things much better in my opinion.
BadshahJee Kmotr Level 113 1.11.2020 18:53
It ain't away about shooting and killing players... Some like to hang around too with a bunch of friends on a single car or strech or group of same organization players... Better is that make it you can't shoot while on car's roof but you can stay still.
Rotker Nepořádník Level 36 1.11.2020 18:07
Nejde mi hlasovat, tak budu hlasovat v komentáři. Musí se to vrátit zpět, vždyť je to hovadina. Co když hraji s více lidmi - děláme třeba mise a jako vozidlo používáme Infernus? No, od dneška už nemůžeme. Tohle mi vadí 10× více, než když mě někdo jednou za čas zabije minugunem z auta.

Celkově by mě zajímalo, jestli hráčům víc vadí tyhle nesmyslné updaty, nebo psychopati. Mně třeba nikdy hráči, kteří zabíjí, nevadili, i když jsem začínal. Prostě jsem si řekl: "OK, v pohodě, vždyť je to GTA!". Ach jo, kde jsou ty skvělé časy, kde bylo trestem -250 XP a RP. Člověk prostě věděl, že to zabíjení není v pořádku a dostal dostatečný trest. Tohle bych klidně vrátil a k tomu přidal třeba dražší zbraně za vysoký psychický stav. Oni budou dostatečně potrestáni a zároveň to nebude kazit hru jiným hráčům, kteří si prostě přijdou zahrát na server a nechtějí být obtěžováni těmihle nesmyslnými updaty jako je ubírání HP za státní na střeše.

Věřím, že se zítra zase budu moci postavit na střechu jedoucího auta aniž by mi to ubíralo HP.
Osack Lovec Hlav Level 61 1.11.2020 17:55
Double sawn off shotguns were removed on S2 because it was overpowered, and it really made a sense, as I see alot of players prefer S2 for that. I vote to remove Miniguns/RPGs indefinetely from the servers, as they were never a good solution to kill, knowing that they are a part of the game, but they just brought much toxicity in-game and as a result, many innocent new players left the servers APPARENTLY due to the massive usage of these heavy guns by others. Motivation to incite players to use other weapons, where it becomes fairer and and more equal.
If anyone is MG/RPG fan, just go play TDM/DM minigames and events too, instead of spraying them on other players somewhere else.
Ukázat komentáře 11-20 z 43