



Registrovat se
Přihlásit se
Balta Ranař

Příspěvky na fóru (7)

Suggestions on SA-MP

+25 XP for each hired mercenary we kill.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add further info about car meets in /help

Bug reports on SA-MP

Paramedics and Lawyers always find me. Show position settings do not really work, at least for me. https://i.imgur.com/8sUtzcG.png

Suggestions on web

Do we get 30 minutes to edit/delete the last screenshot, right? The same goes for video. How about increasing the time when you can edit/delete your last screenshot within 6 hours? Sometimes, we change our minds and want to edit the title. Or make some corrections to the screenshot, delete it, and add it again, but it's always too late.

Suggestions on SA-MP

Didn't have a chance to read it. Just wow. The owner will probably change his mind or bring it back in no time, but who knows..

Suggestions on SA-MP

Add more bonus time for assassinations in the Boost menu since we now get a 30-minute cooldown from 1 hour to 3-5 hours.

Bug reports on SA-MP

I can't see any Hooker in my hotel room. Fufu/Sapphire - does not matter. They are just invisible to me. No mods installed, clean game. https://i.imgur.com/u6bupLs.png


O uživateli Balta:

Zatím nic nenapsáno.

Registrován: 20.1.2024

Přihlášen: 14.2.2024

Nedávno hrál

Zatím žádná herní aktivita

Nejvíce hrál

Zatím žádná herní aktivita

Nedávné achievementy

Nahrát 100 hodin na herních serverech Splněno 10.2.2024
Napsat 10 komentářů Splněno 7.2.2024
Přidat screenshot s 100 zhlédnutími Splněno 6.2.2024
Příznivci (0)
Zatím žádní přiznivci.
Je příznivcem (0)
Zatím není přiznivcem nikoho.