/achievements https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/profile/yuri799/achievements/ In-game and web achievements are separate.
9.2.2025This can be fixed in another way:
The derelict vehicle impound garage collects vehicles that were lost from houses expiring. Once you log back on you get a text and you can go to the garage and pay 5-10% of the vehicle's value to collect it, it's better to pay 500k-1m(or more if it's a rare emergency vehicle) rather than losing the whole thing.
You could just copy the link from your chatlog and paste it(or any web radio link from websites) into VLC media player, then disable the ingame radio so you don't listen to it twice.
28.1.2025If you're motivated and passionate about the issue, why not attempt to join the admin team? You'd be able to do something about it yourself(provided you haven't broken rules recently, if you have then that's motivation to improve as a person)
20.1.2025Add a new feature to organisations: Wars and War Declarations. 2 orgs at war can attack and kill the opposite's members without mental/WL, they appear as red names/blips and give XP/cash bonuses, no consent from the defending org is necessary as it starts as soon as it's declared if all conditions were met. There should be limitations to prevent abuse of the system: a war is only possible if their total members are close to yours(10-20% difference), declaring/starting a war costs $5m(for 31 members, lower variable amount if your org has less) and lasts for 24-48 hours, you cannot recruit new members while at war. There could be others such as a maximum amount of wars you can be in(1-5) or a cooldown where your org is immune to declarations for a day after the war ends(if another org declared war on yours) The rhino and seasparrow are used very rarely these days, they need a buff to 3000-5000 hp to offset their weakness to long range fire. Using stronger bullets should fill the intimidation meter more while robbing a shop: AK/M4/rifle should be 3x while a deagle/sniper/shotguns should be 6x. Aiming a heavy weapon fills it completely without shooting. Publish some statistics about the total amount of things done on each server on a yearly basis(criminals arrested, weed smoked, players killed as gang etc.) Disable collisions for several seconds after using /teleport to prevent traffic jams. https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/screenshots/original/171116.jpg
24.12.2024Log on during off-peak hours(before 14:00 and after 22:00 server time, don't forget to log off if server is close to full so you don't rob others of their chance to get it.
15.12.2024Some of those liveries belong to the webdings font rather than only wingdings, could it be a bug?
It would be best to poll the players to see how many actually have the issue where they don't have webdings/wingdings fonts installed, it could be a case where they would like for everyone else to keep enjoying them, it could be beneficial to even bring them back in the mod shop. In either case this is a call to action to re-format your windows installation so you can see them normally(it could just be a case of opening font settings and downloading them).
I tuned mine normally while they were available in the mod shop, i didn't pay the 100m$+ like others did so i haven't lost anything.
If the mental state when killing a cop as criminal isn't reverted as others suggested, a compromise could be made to give only 5 mental with the reason being we should be punished less for taking a greater risk by intentionally attacking a cop(potentially the whole LSPD) compared to a non-cop.
Add a polling method where players can vote regarding the next updates, a certain amount of hours is needed to vote.
Buying a lockup allows you to get weapons for arms dealer job from it.
Add a new cargo pickup spot for Air Trafficker job in the blueberry acres field(add a small shack object).
Exactly 1 month ago ~23:00-23:30 on 9th of october 2024 there was a nasty rollback that reset a lot of online players' daily objective streaks and bricked their accounts: cars deleted and stats reset(possibly offline players too) https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/109035 https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/108967 https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/108942 https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/108910 https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/108869 https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/108865 Fortunately niCe is diligent in his backups so hopefully he will restore yours too.
9.11.2024The /org->organisations menu has a hard limit of 50 while some other menus have a limit of 70 players displayed at once, remove or increase this limit if it's possible.
A player attacked me, i retaliated and damaged him without getting mental/stars for assault, 10 seconds later he starts to drive a car and i get a wanted level for shooting at the car, this doesn't make any sense(no other players in the vicinity, not in a ceo challenge zone, we didn't have bounties or have anything that prevents getting stars from assault)
You can get a wanted level from a stolen vehicle check while being driven around in a taxi as passenger, please disable it(only while the driver's taxi job is enabled)
If you take a certain amount of payments while limo farming, activity check captchas should become more common
14.10.2024Killing a player with a higher mental state gives less mental state, it should get reduced by 1 for each bracket topping out at 5 for killing psychopaths, they still count as deathmatching kills normally.
You should be able to negatively vote a maximum of 10 vehicles in car meet. Theoretically a player could negatively vote every vehicle except his own or his friend's to gain an unfair advantage(even if they aren't part of an organisation together).
Unsure if this is a bug, not implemented or i haven't experienced it, but a disconnected player from car meet should receive his winnings as it's common for the game to crash if lots of tuned vehicles are present.
Add a second door at the Sherman Dam which lets you exit/enter from the lower part of the dam.
At the battery point container ship in SF add a marker in the water below the ladder to let you climb on top similarly to SF airport's markers.
Add a sex shop and car wash in SF.
Buff the boost system to give you a boost slot every 20-25 levels instead of the current system, you can unlock all 10 boost slots with a high enough level without premium. Premium unlocks all 10 boost slots to make it more appealing for new players.
/g messages don't have to be written with the (GLOBAL): prefix as players mostly use it to give a greater importance to their message, it should be sent as a normal message for all players including the ones who have the "Type messages automatically to local chat" setting enabled
Add a second quick action and bind it to the Action on-foot keybind(if it's even possible to use it in SA-MP), then the player could rebind to use it while the TAB key remains SA-MP's unchangeable score window keybind.
Change /mugger to /mug, why is it longer anyway?
Gathering from a hemp seed should award you 2 XP per each gram harvested without 2x weekend/bonus XP.
Add an underbarrel grenade launcher to the AK47(to incentivize people to use it more compared to the M4, M4 shouldn't get it), usable while aiming and pressing the alt key. Same damage/radius as a grenade, speed similar to an RPG and flies in a parabola exploding only on contact with the ground. Firing it forces you into a reload animation afterwards, the cost can vary but $3000-5000 each is reasonable considering this drawback. A one-time upfront cost for the launcher and the fully-cocked license are it's requirements.
Add the ability for map makers(admins) to add bombs to aircraft in custom TDM events, if this was already possible then add it in some maps.
Some buffs for the silenced 9mm: doing damage with the gun shouldn't give a wanted level for assault(attacking cops always gives stars), if you do >50 damage on a player then murdering them shouldn't give a wanted level. Mental should be reduced to 5 or eliminated, it would be funny to see roaming gank squads all with silencers
The price of Jethro's vehicle repair via phone should be reduced to $1000, at the current $5000 it's irrelevant when you could /respawn and call mechanic for the same result.
Make it explicitly clear when a new player joins S2 that dual sawnoffs and driveby are disabled.
/flip should be disabled if you've been attacked by another player.
There aren't any official rulebooks that use the alternate 8ball pool rules used in SA(no calling your shots is necessary), maybe the story's pool minigame should be used as a baseline if i could get a shot like that to see what happens...
26.9.2024In pool i pocketed my last colored ball and the 8-ball in that order(with the same shot) yet i lost the game when i should have won, this doesn't make any sense.
26.9.2024I just started a new game, typed HESOYAM and there wasn't any limit in the story's horse betting(beyond how fast you can mash the spacebar)
7.9.2024Updates on SA-MP Add the same 15 seconds protection for players that have just connected, also add tear gas to the list of protections for both scenarios.
28.8.2024Registrován: 17.2.2014
Přihlášen: Před 41 minutami