I love the fact that half the community playing actively right now weren't even born then
23.4.2022If you plan on getting unbanned, make sure your thread complies with the unban rules, if not, you're not eligible for an unban https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/59744/
22.3.2021Pressing TAB (score board) while passing smoke screen, you can neglect the effect of it,simply said, you won't get your screen "smoked up" if you drive while having TAB pressed.
18.2.2021Anticheat bans are final, unless you can prove your innocence by providing video evidence at times when you were kicked/banned by the anticheat. If you don't have any sort of evidence, don't post an appeal in the first place.Forgot to mention, even though you posted a few pics of you getting kicked, that's not strong evidence.
16.2.2021-If you kill more than 2 people with 1 bullet/rocket in an event, it kicks you for killing players on events. Happened to me 3 times, twice in rhino hunt, once in warzone when I killed 2 guys with 1 combat shotgun shell.
-You can open the menu (/menu or press N) a split sec after joining an event, you can REALLY abuse it, the screen of the menu gets stuck, and let's say its a 1vs1 on a dm event, you can scroll down to congress section, give him stars and he gets kicked for cheats, while you win the event (also it doesent even give a screen that shows you can't put stars on him cuz he in event)
So a summary that slitt said
run.cs/sprint binds-respectable,even though i never do police job
autozoom-meh,depends on you i am fine to snipe a guy from a far w/o zoom,using it cuz im used to it from cbug servers
sniperscope-it just makes a small dot on any crosshair for sniper,also that's the only place you could hit someone
damageinformer-like i said it's custom,it removes server sided one,it has a menu with it (asi file) to customize size,form and color of letters/numbers.
Thanks for answering my questions,you may close the thread.If I need to ask smth I'll pm you.
So,here it goes,just wanna see which of these are legal or not,i only accept yes and no's,no "we dont support this" crap,if possible explain why no
run.cs/sprint binds (has an advantage towards deagle and sniper,disadvantage towards micros and sawns)
autozoom (auto zooms in your scope with sniper)
fps unlocker (makes you have more than 94 fps which is samp limit,mine is capped at 132)
sniperscope.cs (smaller sniper scope)
damageinformer.cs (custom one,removes the ingame one,adds mine,displays who i hit and who hits me)
Just post your application on this thread https://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/49219/ There is no need to make a thread about this, beside this lowers your chance of becoming one
9.2.2021Okay since you don't have proof, why don't you teamview or anydesk your gta /w an admin?
6.2.2021If there's a final decision by some staff member, that decision isn't a subject for further negotiation, sorry but those are the rules bud.
3.2.2021These kind of threads aren't allowed, however it's nice of you beein aware of your mistakes.
3.2.2021The time of how long you are muted is at the Dyno bot chat. I don't really know if you're aware if you're banned or not, but can you access the server at all? Do you have the muted role?
1.2.2021Dude I have my fps capped at 120, thats not the problem, the game feels like its 30fps with a poor refresh rate.
1.2.2021I started facing this problem like a day ago, so my game doesent feel smooth anymore. Refresh rate is shit, movement with deagle and sniper is slow af like I have 30 fps.Anyone could help?
EDIT // I already have addon, don't mention that.
This is what happens when you download cheats with keylogger, not to mention you were banned for them. Learn from your mistakes.
1.2.2021Can you explain what kind of graphic mod? Maybe you didn't put it in your modloader file?
31.1.2021Add custom nametaggs for players (eradicates nametaggers)
Fix the sync shooting (eradicates godmode, can only be used for no fall damage)
Add reactions on messages on forum
Registrován: 29.8.2019
Přihlášen: 26.11.2024
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