So this guy just randomly pmed me this morning,do /hit 79 500000 and u will get usds.I said no,then he was pming me for another 10 minutes diffrent stuff,like give me 100k ill return u 200k.So I didn't anwser him,then I pmed him 10 minutes after this and he /re wrote to me not to that other guy and I saw he wrote him same that he did it to me.So I think he is doing this to all guys?Admins you may check the logs but here is proof also.
1.6.2014ye it said there is some hardrive problem that it needs to fix some problems and ive had no idea what to do,it would be nice if u could pm me and help me out with this problem
8.4.2014its not about the game.. even if im on internet or doing anything it buges,this computer is designed for playing games.
8.4.2014Im playing on laptop and im having some problems.When i have computer plugged in my comp freeze's after 5 minutes and i can only reboot it,but if im on battery it works fine.This is the first time it happend and if anyone has something helpful i would be really happy.
You was using hack wich is not allowed.He is mod se he can't ban you,he kicked you and now when admin came you are banned.U are banned for 30 days or buy the unban from Shop
4.2.2014idk why ur even involving me into this i said u once /cry and thats it.I've stopped harassing u or anything and im not even trying to start it.I've acted immature and stupid.Im out of here since im done.
2.2.2014hah,this is just a stupid thing.I was hunting chace cuz he had bounty,ogpat rpged me on the spawn,i went to pick the weps and kill him once and then 1 spawn kill,i went away and saw chace to /q to avoid death from someone,he spawned at hospital and me and 1337 killed him cuz he had bounty.Ogpat you're crying now cuz ur being hunted and being spawn killed 2 times,now think how coolguy felt cuz u spawnkilled him?Please stop with this kind of report and stop being childish. Casper: [19:20:40] Message from aninsanegoat (139): da ti eba maikata pederast mazen
30.1.2014I was on server allready i got acc back cuz i had linked and got code,houses are sold houses were 53 and 54 on willowfield btw,name was changed and pass also,i think i know who was but wont tell anything untill admins reply.
24.1.2014I didn't play for few days and I tryed to come online,it said i must register,i went on web and saw my name is changed.I need admins to help me cuz this is weird.I lost 2 houses in willowfield,cuz he sold them my nrg and burito.
Help please,thanks.
As far as I know,there were some guys spamming with links,wich is not allowed,so they cleaned the chat and mute or kicked them for 600 mins,so I see no problem here,since there are rule breakers.
19.1.2014It can also be lag issue, but this looks like airbreak hack.Anyway let admins decide this im not really sure of it.
18.1.2014Couldn't edit,btw insane long time ago,you were telling me that you only have a sister.Now you're lying and telling that you have a brother?
Nice try to blame someone else,It's not possible same day u was talking with me 3 hours later you were killing pac and got banned and next morning came with name insane412.Seriusly,this is just amazing,im done here I don't want to argue anymore.
In my opinion,this is just excuse.How did your brother know your ingame name Locatecar_[CarName].When this account got banned next morning he came with your old name Insane412? This seems just a lie to me anyway let admins decide and im sorry,just explaining my opinion.
18.1.2014I've got some problems.I'm playing gta normaly I can drive in LS and LV,but when im trying to go to SF my game always freezes.Im trying to relog i crash 3 more times,then I spawn at Lsa at the point where u spawn when u first time come to server.U have any suggestions whats the problem?
I don't have any mods,im only using wep skins,my hud and custom skin.If u have any suggestion,post it under here.I hope it will help,thanks.
If the player keep spraying u or chainsawing u for 50-60 seconds its not allowed,if he does only few seconds,there is no problem.
12.1.2014When you are banned you are jailed,please wait for admin to come and unjail you.
7.1.2014I think admins should lock this thread since is just getting spammed with non-sence comments. Lock the thread please.
6.1.2014Damn those attackers,I hope you guys will fix all the issues on server and make this server to work again.
Good luck on fixing it and I hope this wont countinue anymore.
Registrován: 10.11.2012
Přihlášen: 25.2.2025
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