I was kicked for aimbot by LSD I would like to know what proof he has as I know what the policy is for kicking people for aimbot and I only fought him 1 time and it was in a 2v1. Corona and I killed him as we thought he had minigun. Corona was on a rooftop with combat shotgun and I was on the ground with tec9. Please resolve this.
29.7.2015If this thread gets deleted I will just make more.
Also why did i have to do all the legwork for figuring out who it really was that insulted him on ts?
Isn't that his job?
Also how is calling someone a serb because they live in serbia racist.
Same as calling me an american.
Why is Necro requesting i "Get the FUCK out of the server"
Some serious questions here.
I know admins who have done less than this and gotten demoted so he deserves some sort of punishment for this.
I never knew admins are supposed to start arguments with players. Anyway Necro decided to bring my views into the open which i shared with him through PM. I decided to give him my opinion. For this I get a 2 hour mute for sharing an opinion of mine which he brought into the open? Not to mention there were tons of players speaking non-english in chat. I mentioned 4 serbian players who have been banned MULTIPLE times for cheating and have also been permabanned. I call them serbs. Please handle this guyssince he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Sharing loggs with regular players is ok for him. Why is he going through my logs unless he has a reason to think I am hacking? Also why is he threatening not being promoted further if someone is friends with me and also calling me a fake? Guess you own the server now Necro? He also bans people on teamspeak because they live in the same country and refuses to listen to their side of the story. Look at his reasoning behind banning me on teamspeak. [18:58:22] Message from Necro (57): you are a few people that know where I live and who my [18:58:22] girlfriend is I find this funny, Necro has made it publically know that stacey is his girlfriend and he lives in canada both in game and on the websits, http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/screenshots/what-happens-when-a-canadian-tries-to-use-american-sites/ http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/screenshots/stacey-necro/ http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/videos/for-mike-and-necro-and-stacey/ and this on his profile http://i.imgur.com/4qYOUd4.jpg If this info was so private why do so many people know? A good mod or admin always double checks before banning of kicking a player. This was not the first time as when I bought unban a month or 2 ago he jumped the gun on banning me with the reason "Oh how the mighty have fallen" Trying to take a low blow at the fact I was demoted. Don't worry Necro, I felt untouchable too but the day will come where you slip worse than you have been. I hope I'm there when it happens Anyway, all I ask is that you make this guy stop harassing regular players over nothing. All I want to do is play this server in peace but this guy keeps starting problems and i am tired of it.
20.7.2015hi my name is space and me be banned idk when to me are banned and me is unban????
admens say me ban but i dont know. pls halp to me sir i no fuck to me u is no asshole admens.
fuck to banns much shit FUCK
There are a bunch of Cafer's on S2 impersonating admins. I got a screenshot here. http://i.imgur.com/7E1b3u4.jpg They also were using Seppo's name too but i didn't catch that in the screenshot. Also ID 59 in that picture is Loloy. and he is ban evading.
9.4.2015At around 07:09 server time i was kicked for deathmatching in my Rhino. This has never a big deal because vehicles don't despawn for around 10 to 15 minutes, but this time when I returned the vehicle was gone. I did pm Necro about this but i think he was busy at the time and didn't reply. Either way I would like to at least know what happened to it and if possible get a refund. Thanks in advance.
Edit- Too make things easier, I changed my in-game name to JizzWizard
Name: [space} Age: 18 Language: English Total Gaming time: 1764 hours Gaming time per day:1-2 hours a day Registration date:19/1/13 Hello I would like to apply for helper position since I know a lot about the server and could help players out.
5.3.2015I would like to know how you know they are aimboting. Well either way, instead of making a thread to complain about the staff or the lack there is get some evidence of these hackers (screenshot, video, etc) and send it to a staff member here. Just complaining without offering to help won't do any good.
I am sure there will be some night staff promoted soon to alleviate the amount of hackers on at this time, so just hang in there and try your best to help until then. Plus admins/mods are people too and cant play the game 24/7, please try to understand.
You have been muted for speaking non-english on an english only server numerous times. That was your 20th mute so I decided to mute you for 10 hours. Hopefully this will teach you a lesson. Consider this your final warning, next time you will receive a kick or ban. Have a good night! Lock
30.1.2015First off you are not banned, only kicked for 1 hour.
Having multiple players with very similar names can lead to confusion for everyone.
You should just change your name and rejoin, I understand you may have registered a few days ago but you only have around 9 hours put into this account which is only a fraction of the amount of time put into the other player's account so sadly, you will have to restart, purchase name change from the webshop or ask an admin to change your name for you.
If you do decide come back online feel free to message me and I will be more than happy to help you get started again.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
You have been kicked 10 hours for evading a mute through web chat. You should know better since you have almost 700 hours so you got a kick. Next time this happens it will most likely result in a ban. Good night! Locked
22.1.2015You are banned until 21/2/15. Either wait or buy unban from the webshop. No point making a thread like this. I also suggest you don't ban evade again or your account will be deleted. Locked
22.1.2015Constant crashes when entering vehicles/interiors.
I cant even play at the moment due to being crashed out of the game every time I log in after i crashed while entering the Ganton gym interior.
Problem shouldn't be client side, tried multiple GTA SA installs across different PC with the same results also know many other players are experiencing the problem.
You were kicked for using aimbot.
This kick was a result of me watching you and your cousin for the past couple days and noticing that you could single handedly kill multiple skilled players with a single tec9 originally, then when you dual wielded you could kill them even faster.
After hours of me watching you aimbot players including me last night I decided to kick you. Admins will review the evidence I have gathered and decide if you need further punishment. I assure you that I did not rage kick you or your cousin.
Hope this helps clarify things for you.
Pointless thread. From the second you logged in today it seems like you have been trying to get someone angry at you. Here are some logs of you trying to get me and other players to join in on your nonsense. this doesnt even include everything that was said by Carlos. You even went as for as to insult players with your /tag As for the death matching accusations I was well within the limits so that claim is also ridiculous. I'll leave this open for replies but consider this done. Please do not disrespect staff and don't make a thread like this again unless you have a real reason.
2.9.2014Since you are banned you don't have to worry about him "harassing" you for 30 days. As L30N said, we don't handle these situations much anymore, so buy guns and fight back or avoid him. Lock
18.8.2014The server is lagging pretty badly for everyone at the moment, take a look at this thread http://www.gta-multiplayer.cz/en/topic/18974/
12.8.2014Registrován: 7.2.2013
Přihlášen: 15.11.2021