In poker minigame, when it's your turn and you hold SHIFT and LCTRL and wait 30 seconds, you can see what's gonna be the next bet of other players, for example if the player raises to 200 chips you can see how he raises the chips and how much exactly he raises.
20.5.2021Before rollback, I found 20 Minigun in a hidden package, I need some help, thanks!
14.4.2021I donated and sold 4 EUR on /marketplace in S2 for $7,777,777, made it like 8.5m on video poker and I joined today only to have $2 in-game money. I need some help, thanks!
11.3.2021More than a month ago a user nicknamed Juliana_Tabano extorted my account by offering me nudes, I sent both my nickname and password to her, now I'm using a new account to make this thread. Hacked account nickname: Flutter. I don't mind being demoted, I just want my previous account recovered, and all the Philippino hackers' junta punished and banned. If it's a problem that I created this account to make the thread, just ban it right away.
21.9.2020Registrován: 15.8.2020
Přihlášen: 4.5.2024
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