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ProblémIs this allowed?

Scorpion7515 Legendární hráč Level 26 6 hodin
muted me because I wrote that Haha Gold Digger
muted me because I wrote that Haha Gold Digger
Bewas Administrátor Level 97 6 hodin
It´s simple. Don't insult players and you won't get mute.
It´s simple. Don't insult players and you won't get mute.
Scorpion7515 Legendární hráč Level 26 6 hodin
I wrote a username, do you know who it's for or is there some kind of friendship here?
I wrote a username, do you know who it's for or is there some kind of friendship here?
Scorpion7515 Legendární hráč Level 26 5 hodin
You're the only one who's muted me for that
You're the only one who's muted me for that
Bewas Administrátor Level 97 5 hodin
Don´t spam and use: EDIT! There is no one with this username. So don´t lie.
Don´t spam and use: EDIT!
There is no one with this username. So don´t lie.
Scorpion7515 Legendární hráč Level 26 5 hodin
Thats why there s not need to mute because thenm other admins would have muted me because of this
Thats why there s not need to mute because thenm other admins would have muted me because of this
AlmaNyx Nájemný Vrah Level 77 5 hodin
Do you think what you wrote is some kind of compliment that you can throw at players whenever you want? The argument that no one has muted you for this is beyond stupid, and above all extremely naive. The audacity of some players really surprises me. It's simple.. don't insult, you won't get a mute.
muted me because I wrote that Haha Gold DiggerDo you think what you wrote is some kind of compliment that you can throw at players whenever you want?

Thats why there s not need to mute because thenm other admins would have muted me because of thisYou're the only one who's muted me for thatThe argument that no one has muted you for this is beyond stupid, and above all extremely naive.

The audacity of some players really surprises me.
It's simple.. don't insult, you won't get a mute.
Scorpion7515 Scorpion7515 5 hodin
No one reacted, no one took it personally.
No one reacted, no one took it personally.
Bewas Bewas Administrátor 4 hodiny
Yes, Koxy And Tom Hardy reacted. Whenever admins arent online, you always insults. Dont be toxic player, please.
Yes, Koxy And Tom Hardy reacted. Whenever admins arent online, you always insults. Dont be toxic player, please.
Scorpion7515 Legendární hráč Level 26 3 hodiny
I have much screenshots of Tom Hardy insulting me by saying Cry Dog
I have much screenshots of Tom Hardy insulting me by saying Cry Dog
Sulrii Sulrii 2 hodiny
So you are provoking every day, but you need to take screenshots of another player insults to snitch on forum, after you get mute? For someone whose entire day is based on provocation and insults, you sing well. Adept for acting in gangster movie fr xd
So you are provoking every day, but you need to take screenshots of another player insults to snitch on forum, after you get mute? For someone whose entire day is based on provocation and insults, you sing well. Adept for acting in gangster movie fr xd
niCe Hlavní Manažer Legendární hráč Level 339 2 hodiny
This mute was indeed wrongful, we apologize for this.
This mute was indeed wrongful, we apologize for this.
Toto téma bylo zamknuto.