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NávrhySuggestions on SA-MP

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Soma Level 38 27.10.2023 08:04
New skill: Evade 1,000 wanted stars to unlock the ability to evade 3 stars at PnS
New skill: Evade 1,000 wanted stars to unlock the ability to evade 3 stars at PnS
xMorpheus xMorpheus 27.10.2023 10:40
You can already evade more stars by reaching higher levels, type /levels to view the benefits of each.
You can already evade more stars by reaching higher levels, type /levels to view the benefits of each.
Soma Soma 27.10.2023 19:37
Oh I didn't know that, thanks
You can already evade more stars by reaching higher levels, type /levels to view the benefits of each.
Oh I didn't know that, thanks
Terrorist1 Level 14 27.10.2023 11:35
add notify for received in phone for get [weed] and [cocaine] and [properties money]
add notify for received in phone for get [weed] and [cocaine] and [properties money]
Tunner Level 9 27.10.2023 20:24
Add a "bail" option to get out of jail instantly by paying a lot of money. The jail time system has never worked on any server and isnt working here. Its just pure pain. Maybe add an option to break from the prison as well so players have something to do there. Also port this server to MTASA finally please .
Add a "bail" option to get out of jail instantly by paying a lot of money. The jail time system has never worked on any server and isnt working here. Its just pure pain. Maybe add an option to break from the prison as well so players have something to do there. Also port this server to MTASA finally please :D.
DevilDawg Legendární hráč Level 31 28.10.2023 09:13
add nitros and if possible neons to bikes too......nrgs feel like poorly modded after spending 9-10m on them without these..
add nitros and if possible neons to bikes too......nrgs feel like poorly modded after spending 9-10m on them without these..
gulabibhalu gulabibhalu 28.10.2023 09:25
Hey, neons on bikes are available in s4
Hey, neons on bikes are available in s4
Bull24 Bull24 Hlavní Administrátor 28.10.2023 15:38
Neons on motorbikes are possible only on SAMP 0.3 DL, regarding nitro, I don't think that would ever be possible to add.
Neons on motorbikes are possible only on SAMP 0.3 DL, regarding nitro, I don't think that would ever be possible to add.
misterdk Nikdo Vyjímečný Level 18 28.10.2023 19:01
I like his server A LOT.... I don't have many issues with it; however, I do have some suggestions : -Have a purchasable radio so you can play music/listen to radio anywhere on the map while on foot -Add any form of voice chat ( Proximity chat, Gang voice chat, friends voice chat, etc....) -Have heist boards display which city the heist will take place in
I like his server A LOT....
I don't have many issues with it; however, I do have some suggestions :
-Have a purchasable radio so you can play music/listen to radio anywhere on the map while on foot
-Add any form of voice chat ( Proximity chat, Gang voice chat, friends voice chat, etc....)
-Have heist boards display which city the heist will take place in
lomszz lomszz 28.10.2023 20:06
There isn't voice system in samp, if you want voice chat go to FiveM
There isn't voice system in samp, if you want voice chat go to FiveM
Veteran95O Veteran95O 28.10.2023 20:27
Or use discord.
Or use discord.
lomszz lomszz 28.10.2023 20:35
Oh yeah, forgot
Oh yeah, forgot xD
misterdk misterdk 28.10.2023 20:54
there is a voice function Though you'll have to download a 3rd party plugin
there is a voice function
Though you'll have to download a 3rd party plugin
lomszz lomszz 28.10.2023 21:29
Yeah it's no for me, not going download random 3rd party plugin what i haven't heard ever
Yeah it's no for me, not going download random 3rd party plugin what i haven't heard everxD
Kav Násilník Level 62 29.10.2023 15:46
Heist gets cancelled when owner of the heist leaves the game.(timeout)
Heist gets cancelled when owner of the heist leaves the game.(timeout)
Cr34tive Pomocník Hovorný hráč Level 97 29.10.2023 17:07
- Heist Management - Add these options on heist board under the Start mission option when the heist is ready: Manage Cut: Heist owner can desire to add/subtract money into his cut but it will subtract/add money to the crew's cut(s). By default, the cuts will be set as the following: Depending on the number of players in the team, owner can change cuts as mentioned: Leadership: It should be a checkable option: End heist if the owner leaves.
- Heist Management -

Add these options on heist board under the Start mission option when the heist is ready:
Manage Cut: Heist owner can desire to add/subtract money into his cut but it will subtract/add money to the crew's cut(s). By default, the cuts will be set as the following:
2 players - 50% each
3 players - 33% each
4 players - 25% each

Depending on the number of players in the team, owner can change cuts as mentioned:
2 players - 5% change in owner's cut and 5% opposite change in teammate's cut and vice versa (Maximum 75%, Minimum 25%)
3 players - 10% change in owner's cut and 5% opposite change in teammates' cut and vice versa (Maximum 53% (owner) and 38% (teammate), Minimum 23%)
4 players - 15% change in owner's cut and 5% opposite change in teammates' cut and vice versa (Maximum 70% (owner) and 30% (teammate), Minimum 10%)

Leadership: It should be a checkable option: End heist if the owner leaves.

Made by MiddleG123 MiddleG123
DirolL Pomocník Poctivý Občan Level 135 29.10.2023 18:18
Random events I suggest to increase money in moneybags from 50,000 to 150,000 and also same goes as a money courier. Also i would like to ask you to review /eventvote system because sometimes it seems like votes are not recived to specific events or calculations of eventvotes are wrong.
Random events
I suggest to increase money in moneybags from 50,000 to 150,000 and also same goes as a money courier.
Also i would like to ask you to review /eventvote system because sometimes it seems like votes are not recived to specific events or calculations of eventvotes are wrong.
PDude Legendární hráč Level 44 30.10.2023 12:47
add ability in epsilon that makes you hidden on radar for cops for 1 hour.yes your name will still be glowing red for them but they cant see you on radar.make it unlockable in lvl 8.this can also help you alot in losing them by hiding
add ability in epsilon that makes you hidden on radar for cops for 1 hour.yes your name will still be glowing red for them but they cant see you on radar.make it unlockable in lvl 8.this can also help you alot in losing them by hiding
PDude Legendární hráč Level 44 30.10.2023 12:50
also add an abilty for the heist owner to cancel the heist for all the partners too anytime he wants.because if i die for example a player might betray me in heist and finish it without me.or even sometimes players can get rid of you in heist by ejecting you from thier vehicle and leave you for cops.
also add an abilty for the heist owner to cancel the heist for all the partners too anytime he wants.because if i die for example a player might betray me in heist and finish it without me.or even sometimes players can get rid of you in heist by ejecting you from thier vehicle and leave you for cops.
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