Please post any bugs you've discovered in this thread. Note that some bugs are GTA or SA-MP bugs and we can't fix these. However we'll try to do our best to fix any bugs in the gamemode.
Please post any bugs you've discovered in this thread. Note that some bugs are GTA or SA-MP bugs and we can't fix these. However we'll try to do our best to fix any bugs in the gamemode.
I am having issue while buying parts for my workshop, whenever i go to pickup the part the burrito van gets disappear & whenever i go to a interior and comes back it gets back
I am having issue while buying parts for my workshop, whenever i go to pickup the part the burrito van gets disappear & whenever i go to a interior and comes back it gets back
there is a bug with the scoop.the bug causes the vehicle that you hit with scoop to glitch through you.and that causes you to take huge damage and btw when the vehicle glitchs through you it causes your securicar to please fix it it's anoying and it breaks the scoop completely.
there is a bug with the scoop.the bug causes the vehicle that you hit with scoop to glitch through you.and that causes you to take huge damage and btw when the vehicle glitchs through you it causes your securicar to please fix it it's anoying and it breaks the scoop completely.
While I was playing S2 with my friend we was working as burglary. When we arrived to rob house, we saw 2 other guys robbing it or already robbed it. But there was nobody outside or no other burglary boxville outside. From my opinion we were robbing in different house but with same interior. I don't know if it is bug or not and is it possible or wired? If it is normal, I suggest fixing it because I couldn't rob 3 houses because of that.
I apologise for my English.
Hello, While I was playing S2 with my friend we was working as burglary. When we arrived to rob house,we saw 2 other guys robbing it or already robbed it. But there was nobody outside or no other burglary boxville outside. From my opinion we were robbing in different house but with same interior. I don't know if it is bug or not and is it possible or wired? If it is normal, I suggest fixing it because I couldn't rob 3 houses because of that. I apologise for my English.
Well, this is not a bug, it used to be like this intentionally (on the czech server). However I can add it for the english server now, since there are no restrictions like on the czech server.
Well, this is not a bug, it used to be like this intentionally (on the czech server). However I can add it for the english server now, since there are no restrictions like on the czech server.
When i speak in /lc it always gets blocked for spam
Also >> game badges>>were it shows you the list of all the badges you can get, well,the list quite litrally goes off the bottom of the webpage and you cant the rest of the badges below that
When i speak in /lc it always gets blocked for spam
Also >> game badges>>were it shows you the list of all the badges you can get, well,the list quite litrally goes off the bottom of the webpage and you cant the rest of the badges below that