It can be server side issue also not only me, i have super fast internet and so many times before when it last happened to me it was server lagging, can u check my pl in that time if its myb me this time?
It can be server side issue also not only me, i have super fast internet and so many times before when it last happened to me it was server lagging, can u check my pl in that time if its myb me this time?
When adding a spoiler from Los Santos Customs or Michelle's garage to the vehicle Elegy, there is a substantial gap between the spoiler and the trunk, it basically floats and it's pretty annoying to see
When adding a spoiler from Los Santos Customs or Michelle's garage to the vehicle Elegy, there is a substantial gap between the spoiler and the trunk, it basically floats and it's pretty annoying to see
Money courier Bug Los Santos International And Downtown SF i have a screenshot but only on downtown sf i didnt know how its look but i think this is it for me How to post a screen shot here?
Money courier Bug Los Santos International And Downtown SF i have a screenshot but only on downtown sf i didnt know how its look but i think this is it for me How to post a screen shot here?
Please fix your servers. I started an assassination contract, I had to kill a cop. First, I launched 2 rockets on a cop with non armored car, he didn't take a single dommage. Then, when I finally killed a cop with RPGs, it said "there's no cops in this area" then I lost the contract and got 10 mental.
Please fix your servers. I started an assassination contract, I had to kill a cop. First, I launched 2 rockets on a cop with non armored car, he didn't take a single dommage. Then, when I finally killed a cop with RPGs, it said "there's no cops in this area" then I lost the contract and got 10 mental.
There is a bug, sometimes when you shoot someone sitting next to a player with spawn protection, the bullet goes through them and hits the other player, and you get warning
There is a bug, sometimes when you shoot someone sitting next to a player with spawn protection, the bullet goes through them and hits the other player, and you get warning
There is a bug about the organization.I cant pay the bonuses from the org i need to use command +i have 15 min cd everytime with command pls fix that so the ceo can give money from the organization.
There is a bug about the organization.I cant pay the bonuses from the org i need to use command +i have 15 min cd everytime with command pls fix that so the ceo can give money from the organization.
Meth missions Bug
sometimes when i try do the meth lab missions the npcs dosn't spawn at all
but the probelm here is that i cant take the barrels because mission request killing npcs
as you can see here i cant take the barrels because of this npc s that dont appear to me
Meth missions Bug
sometimes when i try do the meth lab missions the npcs dosn't spawn at all but the probelm here is that i cant take the barrels because mission request killing npcs
as you can see here i cant take the barrels because of this npc s that dont appear to me
There is a bug on military pilot job. When I exit cargobob helicopter while I have the packages, I have 30 second time limit before job ended. After I get in before timer ends, I have to pick up the package from military base again.
There is a bug on military pilot job. When I exit cargobob helicopter while I have the packages, I have 30 second time limit before job ended. After I get in before timer ends, I have to pick up the package from military base again.
I do not have a Switch, that number on the left picture is not real.