Takže mám tu bug když jedu jako řidič taxi a odvezu ho cca tak 100m od jeho destinace a vystoupý (jezdec) tak já dostanu peníze,rp a ono mu to nic nesebere. A můžeme jet znova furt a furt.
Takže mám tu bug když jedu jako řidič taxi a odvezu ho cca tak 100m od jeho destinace a vystoupý (jezdec) tak já dostanu peníze,rp a ono mu to nic nesebere. A můžeme jet znova furt a furt.
There is a bug in Benny's Motorworks, after you change the hood and bumpers on a car next changes don't appear visually you have to respawn the vehicle and re-enter to see your changes for example, after you add the front bumper on the vehicle you can't see the which neons are you choosing for a car.
There is a bug in Benny's Motorworks, after you change the hood and bumpers on a car next changes don't appear visually you have to respawn the vehicle and re-enter to see your changes for example, after you add the front bumper on the vehicle you can't see the which neons are you choosing for a car.
-The Vehicle we used after the activities we joined are gone
-Some platform in Rocket vs Armored Car event are missing resulting the player falls in the start of the event
-navigating to the menu has a bug, scroll wheel works and lmb, but rmb doesnt work we have to press enter to enter not rmb
-The Vehicle we used after the activities we joined are gone -Some platform in Rocket vs Armored Car event are missing resulting the player falls in the start of the event -navigating to the menu has a bug, scroll wheel works and lmb, but rmb doesnt work we have to press enter to enter not rmb
- most of the events are bugged in general (vehicle/s aren't spawning/aren't spawning properly; props aren't spawning correctly [e.g. platforms on the Freefall or whatever is it called event)
- during race, once, my character left the car by itself while waiting for the race to start, which caused me to get kicked from the race
- 1st person camera view is kinda weird if your character wears something on top of the head (for example bike helmet, but I guess it would be the same with the scuba gear)
- banks serve no purposes here (like I tried going to the Fleeca Bank places and in none of these I couldn't do anything other than rob the place)
- most of the events are bugged in general (vehicle/s aren't spawning/aren't spawning properly; props aren't spawning correctly [e.g. platforms on the Freefall or whatever is it called event) - during race, once, my character left the car by itself while waiting for the race to start, which caused me to get kicked from the race - 1st person camera view is kinda weird if your character wears something on top of the head (for example bike helmet, but I guess it would be the same with the scuba gear) - banks serve no purposes here (like I tried going to the Fleeca Bank places and in none of these I couldn't do anything other than rob the place)
You can't tune trucking vehicles they don't fit in any place around the map so it would be better to make tunning place for trucks. Also tunning stockade is not very usual you can't change tires bumpers and can't even add neons so I think those vehicles need special place for tunning not LS customs
You can't tune trucking vehicles they don't fit in any place around the map so it would be better to make tunning place for trucks. Also tunning stockade is not very usual you can't change tires bumpers and can't even add neons so I think those vehicles need special place for tunning not LS customs
I don't know what I should name this bug... This happened to me while I was live streaming(unlisted).
I don't know what I should name this bug... This happened to me while I was live streaming(unlisted).
A small bug i think:
When going to your phone and selecting background, there is one called "bitterwseet". Shouldnt it be "bittersweet"?
(Also when i try to select one of the backgrounds it doesnt work / doesnt show up on my phone and its still a black background. I dont know if that was made purpose or not)
(This bug could also be on the frist FiveM server but i havent played there)
A small bug i think:
When going to your phone and selecting background, there is one called "bitterwseet". Shouldnt it be "bittersweet"?
(Also when i try to select one of the backgrounds it doesnt work / doesnt show up on my phone and its still a black background. I dont know if that was made purpose or not)
(This bug could also be on the frist FiveM server but i havent played there)
I believe backgrounds cannot be changed on Badger phone, only on iFruit.
“A small bug i think: When going to your phone and selecting background, there is one called "bitterwseet". Shouldnt it be "bittersweet"? (Also when i try to select one of the backgrounds it doesnt work / doesnt show up on my phone and its still a black background. I dont know if that was made purpose or not) (This bug could also be on the frist FiveM server but i havent played there)” I believe backgrounds cannot be changed on Badger phone, only on iFruit.