Hello guys
it's my first edit,
i know he is nothing but he started doing 3v1-4v1-5v1 on me, i made this montage on him to show him, him self alone "1v1", he lost 21/3 in the same day, i didn't add all the clips because the video will... (více)
Hello guys
it's my first edit,
i know he is nothing but he started doing 3v1-4v1-5v1 on me, i made this montage on him to show him, him self alone "1v1", he lost 21/3 in the same day, i didn't add all the clips because the video will be too long and will be boring, anyway, i hope you guys enjoy watching.
Next montage:
1- Beter edit
2- beter skills
3- beter player
4- beter quality
Thanks for watching dont forget like / comment (méně)
don't mind the trash talkers
On the other hand there is a cheat that does that, every so often it gives you immunity to a shot, it is confusing to know.”
he was cheating, in these 3 times that he killed me, when i told him he get no dmg, he said idk and after that i told him take care i'm recording everthing, and then he said ok, and we continue fighting and every thing back normal....
On the other hand there is a cheat that does that, every so often it gives you immunity to a shot, it is confusing to know.
Atleast i can play in wtls :p
And i have a life, just i can play some days for hours non-stop, is my time of my life, go get your own life bro.
P.S: learn to write in english”
if i'm a no lifer, you're perma banned, ban evading just to check the game news because you cant foget it, and calling me a no lifer?
i dont want see your comments on my video, stop farming XP in here go find another place.
To get a life and touch some grass and tell me to grow up you're sitting on your pc, nolifing on wtls and not seeing a sunlight.
P.S: learn to write in english
who the fuck are you to talk with me like that? what's your ign let me teach you some respect, i dont care if you like it, it's so ez dont watch it
a 2022 commenting here seems like a hater ban evading
Go grown up kid