




Interview with administrator Petrit

Mitrixsen Mitrixsen 14/05/2020
Another month, another interview. This time it's with admen Petrit!
I've hidden a voucher here. Keep on reading and you might find it.

I welcome you to today's interview. First of all. I would like to thank you for accepting my offer for this interview. For the beginning, could you quickly introduce yourself to us? So that we know who we're talking with.

Hi, thanks for having me here. My name is Petrit. I am Albanian but I live i Macedonia as many of you already know and I’m also 20 years old.

GTA San Andreas. How did you come to this game? What did you like the most about it? Did you finish it till the end?

I’ve always liked this game, ever since I got my PC for the first time (I think I was around 8-9) I used to play this game a lot (along other GTA games and a few others). I still have my cheat sheet laying around somewhere :D. I’ve always liked the game and will always do. The missions, the story and everything else is fun. For an old game like this one you could do many things. And yes obviously i’ve finished it multiple times :D!

How did you find out that multiplayer exists? What what was so cool about multiplayer, that you've decided to stay with it?

This is gonna sound stupid. I had an internet cafe near my house that my cousins used to work at. It was back in 2013 and most of them were high smoking weed so we found out about this game. We played on many many servers but they were all boring.. Later on we found out about our servers (S2 where I originally started and still playing there) and we decided to play together, we were around 6-7 people playing all together. Our favorite job was Burglary, we’d do it all the time together and with the money that we’ve earned we’d go straight at the casino and spend all our money on roulette lol. The only cop who could arrest us back then was our ex-admin WhiskeY, he’s a really cool guy and I wish for him to return again sometimes. Unfortunately we used to get banned for Multiaccounts multiple times and we’d find our way back into the servers again but it got boring for them but not for me, at early 2014 I found out about the website and about linking my account and since then i’ve been playing I’d say enough because sometimes I take some little breaks!

Can you describe us your first hour on WTLS? How did it go?

Well honestly I don’t fully remember but it was probably me and my friends getting guns and shooting random people for no reason. We’d get like two 4 seated cars and roll up together and basically no one could get away from that lol. I always used to hate that tho and I still do hate it. To this day I still haven’t bought guns just to kill someone, it ruins the fun and it’s annoying.

What impressed you the most about WTLS that you've decided to start actively playing here?

All the features that it has, all the jobs and cool features. Even back in 2013 it had a lot of things to do and it wouldn’t get boring like all other SAMP servers used to be just roaming around. If I wanna do that then I’ll play singleplayer tbh. The staff was amazing, very very helpful and nice, I still miss some of the admins that don’t play here anymore, won’t mention names anyway because there’s a lot of them!

How many hours did you use to spend on WTLS?

In total, I have over 2700 hours on all 4 servers. To some it may seem a lot and to some others it may not be that much. I would’ve had many more but I left for almost 2 years and returned a bit over a year ago.

What do you mostly do on WTLS nowadays?

Whenever I login I am mostly busy with admin stuff, spectating, checking reports or helping someone that sent me a PM. If I get a little bit of free time I’ll do some job, I want to reach 500 skills on all jobs and I have completed most of them. It may take me some time though because I’m always busy lol.

What about you and gangs? Have you got a favorite one?

I used to love Triads, I have a bit over 1k skills. I’d turf at night only when it’s chill but not anymore. I may get back into it just to get to 5000 skills for the achievement but that’s it!

Who is/was possibly the best Triad player and why?

PhiLLip is a good one, he has great aiming skills and a cool guy, Cyrano was always cool aswell, don’t see him around anymore but he was a nice person to talk to.

How do you use to spend money on the server?

As most of you may already know, I own over 20 fully tuned vehicles (4 of them are special emergency vehicles) also almost all the vehicles are with purple color 211. Some good houses, 5 in a row at Glen Park, 3 at the same street at Temple, three at Jefferson, one at Ganton, one at Market and one of the best ones in Paradiso!

What's your favorite gambling game?

I don’t gamble anymore, I used to gamble a lot but not anymore. My favorite gambling games were roulette and poker.

What is your favorite contest from players?

Carshows are fun, that’s one of the events i’ve done the most. Sometimes it’s annoying tho because some players try to ruin the experience for others. I also like putting random objects somewhere and the first player to find that object will win a prize.

What is possibly the best thing that has happened to you on WTLS?

Becoming an Administrator. I will always appreciate our Lead Manager niCe for giving me this position, I try my best to not mess it up by making mistakes and ruining things. I try to make things right, I even double check myself incase I was wrong about something. I will definitely play and help the server for as much as I can, till I can’t do it anymore and I’m forced to leave because obviously that time will come at some point, hopefully not soon tho!

What's in fact the worst thing that has happened to you?

Well honestly nothing that bad happened, sometimes people ruin the fun for me by spamming me nonsense and insulting me for no reason for doing my job, I’ve lost some houses with vehicles in it that I’ve liked but that’s it. I don’t think anything bad has happened to me in this server.

If you could change anything on the servers, what would it be?

The server is perfect, why would I want to change anything? There’s always some annoying players but you have them everywhere you go. In each community there has to be someone trying to ruin the fun for others.

You have been helper on our servers 3 times. When did you first apply? What led you to this decision?

First time I applied I believe I got rejected, I didn’t meet the requirements to be a helper and when I applied for the second time I got accepted. I started learning about the server and I wanted to help players. It was back in 2016 when I was promoted for the first time and usually I used to stay up at night when no admins/helpers were online and I started learning a lot of things just so I can help the servers. Unfortunately due to school back then and having some personal problems, moving out and a lot of things on my life I did not have much time to play, hence the reason I was demoted was for inactivity the first and the second time. Now I was promoted to Helper at the end of March 2019 and I decided to stay for longer this time.

Later on you were promoted to moderator. What was your first reaction to your promotion? How did other players react to it?

I was actually confident in myself that I will get to that position, due to my previous time that I spent as a Helper I knew that I would get it soon I just didn’t know when, I was still very happy when niCe messaged me, it’s a great experience and I will probably never forget it :D. Mostly all players were okay and were happy about my promotion, obviously some new players didn’t even know me who I was but later on we’ve got to know each other and it’s really nice, there’s some very nice people that play on our servers and I’m glad I have them as my friends.

What about the other admins? Do you get along with them?

Yes, obviously. We’re a team and we work together, we’re like a family :).I’d like to mention the ones I appreciate the most, I love each one of the staff members but some just helped me more and I’ve been closer to them.
R3kT, Shaun14, IwAn, Harathi, DonPlaya, Mitrixsen and Hunky. If I forgot someone please don’t be offended, short brain memory (jk).

How long did it take you to get used to your admin position?

I learn pretty quickly, it wasn’t even a week I believe, around 2-3 days I was getting used to all the cmds and all the new things, obviously as the time passed I was trying everything and I was learning almost everything that I could, at the beginning with a bit of help from other admins, afterwards I was trying to learn on my own but I’d still ask from others when I wasn’t sure about something :D.

Tell us. What is it like solve problems and reports ?

I love helping players in any way I can, whenever I play I try to solve as many reports as I can, actually anytime I play I spend almost all the time working on reports. Same applies with the website, I use my phone a lot and I check the website very often and try to help players as soon as possible. Right now I’m taking a little break so I might not be that active but when I come back very soon I’ll be active the way I was and I love doing that, I love helping the server as much as I can!

What do you use to do in your free time?

I like watching movies and series, I own a PS4 so I play other games besides SAMP but not that much. I also own a small grocery store that I have it on my own, I go out with friends very often (not right now tho due to corona lol), I also watch a lot of YouTube videos. That’s about it I believe.

What is your favorite movie/series?

Can’t name them, I’ve watched way way too many movies and series, I love a lot of them but it is really hard to choose only one. Just so I won’t leave it blank I’ll choose “Suicide Squad” as for the movie and “La Casa de Papel” as for the series.

What games do you play besides samp?

I used to play Fortnite a LOT, I’ve played it since the day it was released and over 2 years later I still play it but not that often anymore as I used to play it. I play the new Call of Duty: Warzone aswell, it’s fun and interesting. I rarely play GTA: Online when I’m really bored from playing other games and a few singleplayer games like “Marvel’s Spider-Man, Detroit: Become Human, Uncharted Series, The Last of Us etc.” and when I have my cousins over we play FIFA

What kind of YT videos do you use to watch? Have you got a favorite youtuber?

My favorite YouTuber would be Smii7y, BasicallyIDoWrk and MrBeast, I even named my cat Smitty/Smith. I watch all sorts of videos from gaming, technology, sometimes a few motorbike/car videos, something funny etc.. I basically watch anything that I could find interesting, and I find a lot of things interesting lol.

Do you listen to music? If you do, then what is your favorite music genre?

I listen to almost all the music genres, I stopped listening to music lately for basically like no reason, I just don’t feel like listening to music that much, whenever I listen in the car it’s Dua Lipa like 99% of the time tho.

Is there anything that you would like to achieve in the future?

I’d love if I got my college degree, get married and have kids, maybe get a good job and be free from the responsibility of having a store. That’s basically all I need and all I want. I have done and I have experienced a lot of things through these years, I know there’s a lot more but for as old as I am I think I’ve been through a lot of things.

What is your favorite feature on web?

I love that the website looks very cool with the ability of adding screenshots, videos, comments, wall posts and a lot more things. You can privately message with other users without any issue. It’s like a social media platform, you’ve got a lot of things to discover. There’s also our helpful blogs and I love our Quiz! Since I didn’t answer my question I’d say my favorite feature has to be the Forums, I spend most of my time there and everything is organized

What do you think about the Interviews blog? Have you read any of the interviews? Is there anything that you would like to change there?

I did actually read all of your interviews since day one I believe, I might be wrong but I am 100% sure that I didn’t miss one. Your interviews are pretty cool and I like them a lot, you get to know the people that you play with daily even more than you knew them before and I love that. I don’t think I would change anything, I’ve missed your interviews since you didn’t make one for a long time but now you’re back so we’re all good :D.

What do you think about the lead manager - niCe? What is your relationship with him

He’s a really cool person, the more you get to know him, you’ll like him even more. He’s a really nice and understanding person. HIDDENVOUCHA Some of you may say “but he’s rude” and if you were in his position you’d be the worst person ever. He does a lot of work, way much more than any of you think so I actually understand where it gets to that point where he may be rude sometimes, it’s all due to some lying and very rude players. I can say I’m good with him in terms of the relationship, I’ve done some small mistakes (like every human being) but I’ve promised to never repeat the same mistake again and he has forgiven me every time. The key to a good friendship/relationship is being honest with each other and not hiding things from each other while lying in their faces, hence I believe we’ll go a long way!

How would you rate this interview? :D From 1-10

Favorite weapon - Purple Dildo
Favorite vehicle - it has to be the NRG-500, I love motorbikes in real life aswell.
Favorite event - My custom infernus race, I’m proud with what I did and i’ll work more on it when I can
Favorite moderator - Noah
Favorite color - Purple(211)

Alright Petrit, I am gonna end the interview here. Thank you so much for for your time and I wish you luck in the future! :)

Thanks for reading!

If anyone is interested in making interviews for this blog, message me on web.

Important stuff

Please have a good english that's really important while writing these interviews
-Do not interview permanentally banned players
-Do not interview new players
-The best player to interview is someone who is for example a part of the staff team, or has been playing here for a while, or someone that used to be a part of the staff team, youtubers etc..

If you are interested in writing these interviews, then send me a private message on web please, thanks!

Comments (47)

ChinTapak Advanced player Level 65 29/11/2020 09:33 AM
Nice interview,and petrit is doing good job,keep it up
lemonadder Bully Level 67 12/06/2020 09:26 PM
Favorite color - Purple(211)looks like your a classic aswell.
Nitish Friendly Level 76 19/05/2020 11:24 AM
Yes Mitri wut bout u ?
Mitrixsen Legendary player Level 125 19/05/2020 10:28 AM
Mitrixsen wat about u babe
pick an avatar already
nice interviewbtw, nice interview!Thank you very much :)
ProRavy Trickster Level 47 19/05/2020 01:01 AM
nice interview
Overd0se Level 99 18/05/2020 10:40 PM
Mitrixsen wat about u babe
btw, nice interview!
Jalla Administrator Level 129 18/05/2020 01:20 PM
This is really good Mitrx,but Petrit suc
Mitrixsen Legendary player Level 125 18/05/2020 12:39 PM
Interesting.nice oneThanks ! :)
Admeeen petrit, gimme the kiss!
Albozz Don Level 101 18/05/2020 12:38 PM
nice one
kameo Level 36 18/05/2020 11:27 AM
Show comments 11-20 of 47