“lol how can i test it ?”If you Purchased Premium account, you can start it at any of your houses (not hotels), You will find a blue board, stand in front of it and press "F", Complete the setup missions, then complete the heist (2 players at least needed including yourself).
“And another thing I dislike is the cooldown between planning Heists and joining friend's Heists”Yeah, it take 5hours gaming time before you can start another one.
R3dfieldLead AdministratorReaderLevel 19808/03/2019 02:18 AM
Yes, I've done 3 Heists already, and I really like them but they seem to be short, I've completed the Jewelry Heist in less than 3 minutes. And another thing I dislike is the cooldown between planning Heists and joining friend's Heists.
And another thing I dislike is the cooldown between planning Heists and joining friend's Heists.