



Baruch Businessman

Forum posts (49)

Crash when logging in, need help

If the problem only occurs on S2 after you press the login button, ask an admin to reset your location (or try to join the game multiple times, then it should reset your location automatically), that might be the problem causing it

For the people above, he clearly says that S3 works for him and the problem only occurs, so it doesn't seem to be a samp or pc issue

Hey, a question.

Plenty of rules aren't written down anywhere. This isn't real life where you can find loopholes in the law: just be rational. Because this isn't written down in /rules doesn't mean you should do it.

Hey, a question.

It doesn't matter whether you do it once or multiple times: it's still bug abuse. You clearly RPG'd his car with the intention to and not by accident - which makes you abuse a bug. You're not getting kicked for spawnkilling either by doing this.

Hey, a question.

The thread you linked is from 18/10/2018.

Spawn killing as bug abuse is a new rule, which you should've known about since you got EpicDjHD banned for it. It's both spawnkilling - why would it be allowed if you spawnkill someone who is in a car?

Bug reports on SA-MP

Suggestions on SA-MP

redesign the forums

Suggestions on SA-MP

Remove the Hydra.

It's cheap, too unfair, mostly used by wallhackers, and impossible to take down, unlike a hunter.

banned for no reason

"no reason"? you are a blatant cheater

Unban request

I have not said the above I said in my thread after my other bans. I always waited for my ban to expire or bought unban before.

Unban request

All the logs you go back till may 2018, This is almost a year ago. Since my last ban I got 1 mute for defaming, 1 for talking in another language, and 2 other ones. Sorry, but I feel like you're really exaggerating how bad I am. Edit: looking back at the logs, not all are even about me being "bad". About the exaggerating, I feel like you're doing that by posting alot of logs. Here are some logs I found in this list that dont make alot of sense: (this mute was false, I got unmuted for it within that hour.)

Unban request

Hello, To start off, if niCe is reading this, I'm sorry for the messages I sent around November last year which got you to block me on web. I deserved that ban, I said something stupid which could lead to doing damage to the server and I was trying to get myself unbanned since I like your servers and wanted to play again. I have been banned yesterday night by Sepoleone with the reason: . Because it was unclear for me what I got banned for at first I messaged him, where he sent me 2 messages, which I'm banned for. Those messages were the following: I'll first talk about those messages, then my previous bans and what I think about this in general. As for those 2 messages which I sent, were banter. The first one, where I was defaming admins, was a joke since I'm cool with almost all S2 admins, could only think of 1 Administrator that doesn't like me that much. It was around the same time as the message below it, and it was related, I'm hoping this shows you it was a joke instead of being serious. I know admins do what they can do and that they want to play the game as well instead of 24/7 looking for cheaters or something else. To be honest I should give them more credit for it. The second one was while I was talking about LaZeR with someone in main chat. LaZeR and I are cool with each other, we sometimes even play together. That is why I made a joke about him and he didn't do anything himself about it either. According to the server rules the rule I seemed to break was 3. You must not spam, defame, swear, harass, beg, racket, threaten, intimidate or impersonate other players. I didn't feel like LaZeR was harassed by it. Although I get that this doesn't ignore the fact that it is/could be seen as harassment by others. After my ban I messaged him asking a question about the unban option on web, and meanwhile, I told him what happened. In which he responded the following: About my previous bans, I agree with the reasons I got them. The last one I got before this one was for the same reason as well, my behavior in the main chat. Back then I used to talk a lot about religions in the game and defame those who believed in them which is stupid of me. But what you as well can see is that I have learned from it, I don't involve religions in the game anymore. I have learned from it. I think I deserved those bans. But I find this one a little extreme. I want to give my opinion on the toxicity on the servers now. It's there. No one of us can disagree that there is no toxicity. It happens really regularly, and so did it happen by me. Besides those 2 messages I sent above, I have been toxic to other people. What I don't think though, is that my toxicity now is as "extreme" as I think it was earlier before my other ban. I do think that extreme toxicity needs to be dealt with, but toxicity should be OK at a certain level. We can not disagree that this is an 18+ game. And I get that there still are younger players than 18 (like myself, I'm 17) but I don't think it's your role to take action against those toxic people that aren't extreme. My opinion is that below 18, It's their parent's role to keep track of what they're doing. If they see that minor toxicity happens, and they don't like it, they would have to get their kids off. Now I'm getting to the point: What I'm trying to achieve with this thread is some understanding with that I think about the situation, and I hope to get another chance by getting unbanned from this 90-day ban. If this isn't what you're willing to give me, I hope u could reduce my ban to 30 days. That's all. If you got this far, thanks for taking the time to read this. If nothing from my ban changes, I'll just wait and I'll still come back to this server you all have been "building". (hopefully less toxic, im trying to become better myself aswell but that doesnt work that easy).

CONTEST! Searching shamrocks!

Thanks nice for this great contest

HEISTS - Your impressions, remarks and suggestions

you're getting web banned for sure for trying to discuss

Unban Request

That you didn't get caught for it before doesn't mean ur a loyal player and never cheat Yeah, great proof Great proof once again "my aim is great", and are you threatening in your second sentence? This unban request is dumb

Suggestions on SA-MP

Then it is their fault, and not the servers. As Tamety said, You can read in chat that the server is going to be restarted. Shoudn't be so dumb to join poker or something else at that moment.

Comments to updates on SA-MP

What do you mean with "promote cheats" and what do members of the clan have to do with it, If one does this? We can't force name changes, Somebody can just put _RsK] in their name and promote? cheats, and I will get punished for it?

Comments to updates on SA-MP

180 days was plenty

Requesting a refund for a hunter

I have no idea why it says attack on the first screenshot by the way, I wasn't in a turf? lol.

Requesting a refund for a hunter

Server: S2 In-game name: _RsK]Ammoniak Date: 04/11/2018 Time of loss: 11:41 What happened: Game crashed when flying the hunter over water, the hunter was almost full hp. Due to my mental state, the cost of the hunter was around 150k. I'm not sure if what happened is a valid reason for a refund, but I'm trying anyway. Here are screenshots as proof: Crash Hunter under water

Bug reports on SA-MP

You can't buy a billboard while muted

IwAn// Not a bug at all :D

1 2 3

About Baruch:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 14/06/2015

Logged in: 27/10/2019

Recently played

5 years ago - Played 1 hour and 55 minutes

Most gaming time

1104 hours and 55 minutes

Recent achievements

Make 50 posts on the forums Completed 15/07/2019
Play 1000 hours on game servers Completed 20/06/2019
Add 100 wall posts Completed 17/06/2019