SELLING Server: S2 ft lspd 163/1 (350m) ft lspd 147/1 (350m) ft lspd 218/1 (250m) ft sfpd 130/1 (100m) PM me on web if you're interested.
ft lspd 218/1 (250m)
ft lspd 147/1 (350m)
ft sfpd 130/1 (100m)
Server - wtls 2
Contact me on web if you're interested or offering less.
SELLING Server 2 Minigun 20k per, have 14.6k Message me in web or PM me ingame (ign: xcc)
16/10/2023SELLING Server 2 Vehicle: Police LVPD Color: 166/1 Status: Full Tuned with Stingers Picture: PM me in web or ingame for your offer (ingame name: Coconut)
26/06/2023SELLING FT Valentine SFPD 190/220 Server 2 Price 100m. PM me ingame or web for a less offer (ingame name: Coconut)
17/06/2023[LGN]Kelapa S2 So i was playing on other SA-MP server i got no lags, but when i tried to login to S2 i suddenly kicked for lags. This only happened on WTLS server Before you ask: I restarted the router 3x and it still the same I didn't download anything on my computer I have checked the internet connection and it has no lag.
09/06/2023Registered: 27/05/2022
Logged in: 27/12/2023