



celldweller2066 Butcher

Forum posts (119)

Player report 20/02/2025
Bug reports on FiveM

I need to address this again, game doesn't load completely or idk what else it might be, upon logging in E command doesn't work on anything, i don't have acccess to member list, and my weapon wheel is excluding everything beside pistol, what the hell? This time it didn't repair itself even after relog

Comments to updates on FiveM

You should add higher fuel consumption, or even make that it varies between the vehicle types, on full tank you can drive for hours without pause, it barely touches the fuel economy
Also, i think it doesn't work on all vehicles, it didn't show me fuel tank while driving a Duneloader, but I'll double check that, maybe it was on my side

Suggestions on FiveM

Remove 'destroy garbage trucks' from Gerald missions, it's almost always bugged

Bug reports on FiveM

Sometimes when I log in, i cannot use auto shop menu, car speedometer don't exist and my weapon slots are locked except for pistol, the only way to fix is by relogging. It's starting to get really annoying

Suggestions on SA-MP

Thats' just one opinion and neither me or probably the other guy didn't make all this effort to write it down just so one random guy would dismiss it as useless or pointless
I literally reasoned everything with explanantion for why it should be added
Youre free to dislike it and hit thousand minuses if you wish tho i really dont care, my target audience are the people in administration who would actually be open minded enough to consider it and maybe even forward it to managers

Suggestions on SA-MP

yea i didnt think of that, good point ggg

Suggestions on SA-MP

After 10 days of governor being in office, the congressmen can vote for impeachment:
- Any congressman can make an impeachment proposition
- The other congressmen vote the same way they vote for any other proposition, with exception that voting for gov impeachment lasts for 24hr
- The governor cannot veto or influence this proposition in any way
- if the proposition doesn't have a majority in congress then the new impeachment proposition has a cooldown for the next 24 hours
- If the proposition has a majority in the Congress votes within 24 hours, the governor is NOT immediately impeached but the final decision is left to ordinary players:
- Players vote (the same system as election, through if they wish the governor to be impeached. The voting lasts for 5 days
- if majority of the players vote for impeachment then at the end of the voting the governor is instantly removed from the office
- the Congress will remain without the governor until the end of the month and then on the 1st in the next month the new elections start as usual
- the congress can propose the impeachment from the 10th day of the month until the 20th day of the month. The deadline should be at the evening of the 20th day of governor being elected
That means the elected governor would have at least 15 days of guaranteed position (10 days until congress decides to vote impeachment and additional 5 days until players finally decide the fate of his position).

This additional feature for the government suggestion would act as a remedy for potential elected governor who would abuse his power and it would prevent governor's wrongdoing

Suggestions on SA-MP

There could be set limitation for how many players can run for the governor position

Suggestions on SA-MP

HOW SHOULD THE GOVERNOR BE ELECTED - Registering should last 15 days and elections should start after that, and last for the next 15 days, here's the desc: From every 1st to 15th day in a month, elgible players could register for the governor election (eligibility = levels (70+), at least 3 diplomas) On the evening of 15th of the month (20.00), registering period is finishee ansle the list of registered players should be available in the interaction menu, from which all players can vote starting the same evening; On the evening of 30th, the election results are shown, and the new governor takes the office. Registering for the successing governor can start right away or day after (the currently elected governor isnt able to register for the next month, only month after that) - Registration fee should be bigger than congressmen fee (for instance around 1M) and it could also be decided within congress through voting - Players running for election should also have voting vans like congressmen, though they should also be able to purchase something like voting stalls with limited number and also collect votes from there

Suggestions on SA-MP

Suggestion for enhancing the congress system: ADD THE STATE GOVERNOR OF SAN ANDREAS role As an addition to congressman election, there should ALSO be election for the STATE GOVERNOR The state governor would regulate congress propositions and help the stability of congress, finances, etc, in following ways: - The State Governor is elected once per month, unlike congressmen, who are elected daily. - Only one governor can hold office at a time for 30 days - After serving a term, player have a 30 day cooldown for registering for the governor again, so the next month, another player has to be the governor (he can still run for an ordinary congressman) - to encourage more players to be governors and prevent monopoly of power to only one player GOVERNOR POWERS: 1. the governor has the power to approve or veto any proposition before it is implemented. For example, if congressmen propose a new tax policy and vote on it, the governor has the final say on whether it takes effect EXAMPLE: 5 congressmen vote FOR higher sentences for murder and 4 vote AGAINST, the state governor can APPROVE or DENY (veto) within 30 minutes (let's say). If the governor isn't online or he decides not to take action in a time limit, the proposition will be implemented based on what congressmen voted, so then the higher sentences for murder will be implemented 2. The governor has the ability to disable the option for a congressman to create or vote on propositions 3. The governor can prosecute congressman by assigning them a 2-star wanted level 4. The governor can disable LIMO EARNING to one congressman at a time 5. The governor can release any player from prison free of charge, or add them minutes also free of charge (or also add them 10 or more minutes instead of 5 for some fee) REASONS FOR THE SUGGESTION - A good state governor would prevent congressmen from making foolish decisions possibly leading to embezzlement, ruining finances, limo farming, etc. It would give players who vote the real possibility to elect someone who would actually take care of the system and the finances; electing 1 congressman daily doesn't make big of a difference, beacuse as much as one might be interested in pushing some changes, his influence is way limited due to other congressmen; a state governor would have a power to balance that ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS FOR THE GOVERNOR - If the governor abuses his power, there should be a method for congressmen or the players to vote for impeachment before his 30-day term ends - To prevent excessive use of power, the governor could have limited number of approvals and vetos he could place, or cooldowns to certain things etc. - Assaulting a state governor should give 4 or even 5 stars, and possibly double mental - Governor can use a special limo (could be FT, also with stingers or slicks and bp tires) - Assasins could have option to assasinate the governor, for x2 or x3 reward, with increased time limit - Governor should have a separate bonus, which would be much higher than congressmen bonus, due to increased responsibility etc (reply if u have more ideas for this)

Suggestions on SA-MP

Yeah there's also Advanced radio mod for GTA SA (or any web browser for that matter) which can serve the same purpose but that's not the point, what I had in mind is boost in realism, ability to listen to your radio while in proximity of your vehicle.
Imagine yourself parking your Perennial at the river just outside Dillimore and /fishing while listening to ''Make The World Go Away'' and others passing by also being able to witness this idyll? or better yet Du Hast firing from your bass-boosted Infernus?

Suggestions on SA-MP

Is it possible to add external radio feature, so the ingame (or even custom) radio stations could be listened when outside of vehicle, like, when youre near it? There is a Jukebox feature, it could work on a similar principle? Also, can you enable custom radio stations (with link) for offices/houses/etc

Suggestions on FiveM

Assasins should at least get wanted level for killing their targets (being a real life hitman is still a crime afaik) it's super annoying to get blown up out of nowehere even though you just mind your own business. I see little difference between it and a random kill for no reason (except that the former is being encouraged with a reward)
I'd give myself liberty to even suggest the complete removal of that feature, it's literally ruining gaming experience for real ffs

Bug reports on FiveM

- sometimes during evening or night time, car lights, even when turned on, dont light up the area in front of the car (they appear turned on they just dont light the area)
- sometimes when entering mod shops, the menu won't show up, i have to get out of the garage, re-enter my car and get back into the modshop garage in order for it to work
- hijacked npcs sometimes get bugged and they teleport back in their car and i get automatically kicked out
- for couple of times i fell into void or died when trying to enter my hotel and warehouse
- player character still goes in agitated stance during nearby weapon fire even though its said that its fixed in earlier update

Show your self off.

All bot?

Show your self off.

I am the king of beard ponytails and all ez and so bot!

Cop and wanted system is frustrating and not fun

You posted in the wrong section this one is for here

As for what you said:
- do Sweet missions, theyre the only ones that don"t incite wanted level
- you don't have to buy a car as a newbie, you get your starter car + garage
- avoid breaking the law as much as you can until you can afford better car with weapons which can disable/slow down cops
- to preserve your weapons, buy a cheap hotel suite nd save them in the gun locker; these weapon trunks work globally; if you buy more hotel suites, youll find the same weapons that you previously saved
- as you progress and get better cars and weapons, running from the police wont't be impossible and frustrating but fun, they are almost always helpless if you're packing fast car with stingers and BP tires or NRG (if you join an organization youre given an option to order bulletproof and armored FCR-900 which is also very fast and effective and new players can use it as an alternative to expensive NRG)

Hydra refund

Hydra despawned after player abuse (pushing it around the edge with dumper truck), before I even managed to use it, I reported the player for the abuse but was rejected as I killed him before admins took any action (I figured they're afk)
After the incident hydra despawned and couldn't get it back.
I believe I'm elgible for refund as it would have despawned anyway regardless of admin action, it wasn't my fault at all.
Thanks in advance

Suggestions on SA-MP

the problem with gangs in here is,
that there are players joining them only for random 1v1s OR to grind money/skills/xp
forcing an update like this would indeed break the player base, they'd rather leave in protest than actually play in gang as intended - because nobody really gives a damn about the concept of gang, its either fight a random fool or turf to earn cash, NO protect your hood and go do a drive-by on them ballas

if this was enforced, and if gang member/s would really try and go attack the hood for the sake of random 1v1, it would look something like this: 1 member of an X gang goes into Y gang territory, Y gangsters go into mass defense and make a horribly imbalanced battle (like 5v1 or 10v1) OR the opposite way- the leader of a Y gang goes into 1v1 with an X member and the X guy dies like a maggot squished by 10 Y fools ganging up on him - which would render gang war pointless. DON'T expect players from either X or Y gang to consolidate or cooperate and go in organized 5v5, that simply doesn't work in a freeroam environment. it would either be massive attack on a single hood resulting in a quick overrun or mass defense destroying the lone attacker (who just came in to fight some dude)

that would be a rp feature and nobody really plays this as a rp. it's the freeroam element that keeps the server alive, a freedom to play however you want it.
one huge convenience in fighting at ammu-nation is quick access to armor and weapons, dying in a gang territory then going to ammu-nation again to refill and back to hood to regroup is quite a drag

i like the idea though. but it wouldn't work, simply because hardly anyone would like to play that way

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About celldweller2066:

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Registered: 24/08/2021

Logged in: 9 hours ago

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Make 100 posts on the forums Completed 19/12/2024
Win in 50 contests Completed 18/07/2024
Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 20/02/2024