



Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all players!
Jamailah Player

Forum posts (36)

Unban jam

Yes I understand what you trying to say but can you do some investigation regarding this matter? I'm 100% sure that I'm not cheating. I got low end pc, I cant record all of the gameplay while im playing. Investigation will be appreciated. I think I was lag that time and anti cheat misinterpreted it, Have a good day sir/ma'am. Many admins played with me and they didn't suspected me. Please make some investigation that will be appreciated.

Unban jam

Ingame name : Jam Server: S2 Comment : I got banned while I'm inside of the pns pizza, the person named Badodoo was trying to extinguished me while im in red dot and i heard that he stopped use extinguisher and I ran over in the place where extinguisher is placed. then before I came where extinguisher is, I got banned for 30days without reason.

Bugged car color after mod shop spray

Don't spam the thread, used Edit instead and admin will help you immediately.

I dont know if it was my Hunter

As far as I know, you can't auction the vehicle that you don't own.

Unban request

Your account can't be hacked unless you gave your password or they guessed it correctly. You can report the player that threaten you and he will get muted from the staffs or just /block or ignore him.

Refund request.

Thank you so much, thread can be locked. ty

Refund request.

I'm still look forward for this request.

Refund request.

I was raiding the challenge of someone in verdant bluffs.

Refund request.

I would like to ask a refund about my hunter that lost earlier ty, if the refund is impossible, lock the thread thanks!

Wow game just kicked me for getting hit by a car.

Maybe you're lagging that time and server takes it as teleport or something unusual in our server. I hope this can help

Refund Request

There are two possible answer to your question.
1. You're lagging or your pl are too high
2. maybe server's fault.

Wait for admin's response

scammed in nrg

It's your 100% fault and the refund that u wanted is not possible. There's a confirmation after you bid in the auction.

AmaZing has scammed me

Your account is your responsibility. There's a rules that you can't share you account.

xNelsoN why u banned me

please be patient because you're not the person who complaining about something. You should wait them until they finalized their decision.

admins pls read

You can consult your banned here instead in the server. As you said, creating or login your account are still ban evade. There's a right way to communicate with admins thru pm. Btw, wait for the admin's reply.

my thread is not solved

Can you please be patience? MrTerminator needs an opinion from the other administrator. Please be patient thanks.

Bruh my 2nd ban on my first day unban?

Hey, The proofs will be visible on the staffs only, be cool and calm. Wait for the admin's response please.

And please don't spam the thread, use edit pls

Reporting mod. Daddy on s3

If you can't win against your enemy, dont fight them. Stop making useless /report. Please be kind in our admins.

Refund Request.

Hey, can you please create thread in right section because this section is for webpage. Btw, Wait for admin's response

Suggestions on SA-MP

You should add more ceo works at organization like undertaker, courier, bus etc

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About Jamailah:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 23/06/2020

Logged in: 21/03/2023

Recently played

1 year ago - Played 40 minutes

Most gaming time

1098 hours and 55 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 09/12/2024
Play 1000 hours on game servers Completed 28/01/2022
Create a screenshot with 50 views Completed 17/04/2021