



NaughtyNecA Worshipped

Forum posts (35)


i had about 100mg when i quitted server today about 5/6 PM idk exactly.. when i loged in about 7:10pm i hadnt.

Reporting Katniss server 2

lol, admins wont check this :P

Reporting Katniss server 2

really? :O thanks man <33333333333333333

Reporting Katniss server 2

It's not a problem cause Katniss uses wall hack, i want report him cause he always put mines at prison spawn and he never was kicked for it cause it doesnt apply protection by mines...and there is no way to be in prison and not die.

Reporting admin Trifle Bandit

wtf man, reading is your worse side... Nice excuse Trifle's lawyer Btw, i said name and its not forbidden, u should know it cause u are moderator ;) i put "name" did u see?

Reporting admin Trifle Bandit if u cant see, open this ling Those are only 5 minutes, but thats always happens...i was normaly speaking with admin bbz and trifle muteed me for what? He doesn't look messages, he looks who writes it... I hope noobs won't spam this thread, im waiting for Trifle's excuse cause he is always innocent and im always guilty.


Happy 18th birthday to Mare!!! I love u brother, we will kill everyone like before and got ban like always!! :D merry Christmas and happy New Year to your family bro <3

Reporting Seppo for abuse of admin rights

I didnt do anything, lier. U only say "we were spectating" and did u find any cheat why u firstly wanted ban me? U didnt catch me and now u found spawn vehicles,omg. but dont worry, u know neca will give u back everrything x2 <3 i finished with this post, I put you to know that you're wrong and all can see u found cheat without evidence! good night

Reporting Seppo for abuse of admin rights

and how u know what i wanted to do and why u again lie? why u banned me and didnt let to do what i wanted? omg i asked u can u teleport me to show my hacks hahahahahahahaahahha are u seriously? do this isnt funny haha i think u saw how u can be stupid

Reporting Seppo for abuse of admin rights

No worries guys, i was angry and thrown cars haha, that i was angry, i would try with stronger hacks than throwing cars, whats the point of that..

Reporting Seppo for abuse of admin rights

What the f** spawning vehicles hacks? "Throw cheat" omg never heard for it and it cant be i didnt do this, why i would do this shit?and like i said u havent evidence for locate,sniper and other hacks which seppo said! u monitoring me? and what did u find? u really didnt find anything and ban me for "spawning vehicle" really funny, Could you think of another better reason than spawning vehicle, really funny..but i cant do anything, u were monitoring me, didnt find anything, u found reason "throw vehicles", i remember, i was typeing message to seppo and stealth was next to me, yes i thrown vehicle while i was typeing msg.. im really leaving this shit and lies, u can delete my account, or leave it, to players remember me for something good, i dont care u give decide i finished

Reporting Seppo for abuse of admin rights

-I'd like to see evidence that I actually used cheats, please show logs or screenshots. You wont find any because I never used cheats on this server.

-I want another admin than Seppo to take care of this thread, because he already has an opinion over me, thinking I always hack, but I never used hacks. He's just mad at me because I used to kill him a lot

-When Seppo banned my friend Mare, i quited (for reason which isn't important-called mare on phone) and i logged in 3 mins leter when Seppo said i tried to crash server "by spawning vehicles" o.O He is trying to make me look bad, but that he never gave proof that i tried crashing the server, its just bullshit and i please that u check this too and discover who is lier.

-If u find any cheat, delete my account and ban me permanently, if u don't find anything, i hope he will be demoted
(I used camera hack, for making movies and HaLfPiPe4 told me that it is permissible- u can check it too)


For the end just want say i didn't use hack or sth...i had smooth camera for making videos but pro admins dont know for it, they just know to act they discovered cheaters ;) i think its really not important now cause i left server, but i didnt use "locate hack" - bye, u will see me only one more time on server to give staff

--- Apply for helper ---

Apply for Helper: In-game name : Naughty_NecA Age : 17 Gaming time : 1150 hours on server 2 Gaming time per day : 2+ hours, on Weekdays; 5+ hours Languages :Serbian(native); English(Learning more then 10 years); Franch(Learning 6 years). Registration Date : 28.8.2013.

Heat seeking rocket lounchers

But how i can know it... i tought it's new weapon on the server...

Heat seeking rocket lounchers

I bought 2 times on auction 6 thouse rpgs (first time for 300k,second times about 123k) and both of times they didn't spawn in my arms.. auctions were about 21:50 - 22:10 , please check it out...

Lost minigun

Aww please delete game -.-

Lost minigun

20:40 - 20:50 i think, time when i was bidding, while auction was in progres i died and spawen in the hospital.. i bid 12,700,000 and bought 6000 minigun but i didnt get minigun.. please help me

Fair admins

Pls paste what he said to me

Fair admins

1 2

About NaughtyNecA:

◢◤ I can't tell where the journey will end, but i know where to start.

Registered: 28/08/2013

Logged in: 10/11/2017

Recently played

6 years ago - Played 20 minutes

Most gaming time

1473 hours and 45 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a video with 5000 views Completed 23/01/2017
Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 07/09/2015
Add 10 wall posts Completed 23/12/2014