Hello i am s2 player i have been banned for 30 days for cheats. I confess i have been using a cheat lately but it was my first time and i promise that it will be the last, now i read all rules and understood them all , and i swear it will never happen again , i am asking for forgiveness and i will be really grateful if admins forgive me and unban me.
Your's sincerly Amanadil69 .
peace !
https://i.ibb.co/VQyGCSG/Capture.png https://i.ibb.co/Njg5R57/cap-2.png
24/04/2020Hi , it ask me for a password when i join the server 2 with new ip
25/03/2020Registered: 19/02/2020
Logged in: 28/03/2022