




Forum posts (31)

Got banned for no reason

Hello,those 5min breaks you got were not bans,but kicks.You got kicked by server who detected cheats.I would suggest you to fix your internet connection to avoid such kicks IF you are not actually cheating. You are able to join the server now. Locked


Hello, The winners (top 3 players) of the contest are: Massive thanks for everyone who participated and of course,congratulations to the winners. Looking forward for more,new contests anytime sooner! Until then,cya! (:


Hello! In this contest,the top 3 players with the most Baggage handler skills will be rewarded with the following prizes: 1st place: 5,00USD/4,00EUR 2nd place: 2,50USD/2,00EUR 3rd place: $1,000,000 This contest is only valid on Server 2 ( starting now and ending midnight 19th August 2017 Please make sure that your account is linked in order to join the contest. Best of luck!

Complaint about admins DavidPC and Terra

Both David and I were busy,so therefore we couldn't do much.Since you have lack of patience,I'd suggest you to avoid such "complaints" and wait for admin's reply. -On the side note,the player has been kicked + banned. Thread locked

DM rocket launcher

Hellou, You've been reported for suiciding in DM from one of our helpers.You clearly done,not once but twice,a suicide so your opponent doesn't recieve a point.Such things,as you called "abuse" is not allowed and therefore you won't be refunded. Thread locked


Hello, The winners (top 3 players) of the contest are: Massive thanks for everyone who participated and of course,congratulations to the winners. Looking forward for more,new contests anytime sooner! Until then,cya! (:

Why i am banned from server 2?

You've been banned by server for using speed hack and more installed cheats,You were kicked many times as well to remove them,but you continued.Therefore,wait 30 days for unban or purchase it from webshop.


Hello! In this contest,the top 3 players with the most RACE WINS will be rewarded with the following prizes: 1st place: 5,00USD/4,00EUR 2nd place: 2,50USD/2,00EUR 3rd place: $1,000,000 This contest is only valid on Server 2 ( starting now and ending midnight 29th June, 2017. Please make sure that your account is linked in order to join the contest. Best of luck!

Banned For Godmode

Hello, You've been banned for using godmode/lag cheats. Wait until your unban date or purchase the unban from webshop.


Hello, The winners (top 3 players) of the contest are: Massive thanks for everyone who participated and of course,congratulations to the winners. Looking forward for more,new contests anytime sooner! Until then,cya! (:


Hello! In this contest,the top 3 players who earn the most firefighter skills will be rewarded with the following prizes: 1st place: 5,00USD/4,00EUR 2nd place: 30 days house renewal + 1,25USD/1,00EUR 3rd place: 10 day premium account + $1,000,000 This contest is only valid on Server 2 ( starting now and ending midnight 19th May, 2017. Please make sure that your account is linked in order to join the contest. Best of luck!

I lost my 2.3m can i have refund admins?

Hello,apparently you bought /shopmoney from /marketplace from following players: Therefore,you haven't lost any money out of no where,but spend it on your /shopmoney. Thread locked!

I have been scammed

Hello, everything is explained above.It's your and only your fault,there will be no refund.I hope you will learn from your mistakes ! Thread locked


Hello, The winners (top 3 players) of the contest are: Massive thanks for everyone who participated and of course,congratulations to the winners. Looking forward for more,new contests anytime sooner! Until then,cya! (:

_YrN]Empire Helper

Hello,report you've made is a bit unclear,however thanks for reporting! The issue will be resolved soon.


If you find yourself a lawyer,this should be easy.


Hello! In this contest,you have to burgle houses as many as possible and the top 3 players will be rewarded with the following prizes: 1st place: 500 ammo minigun + 1.25USD / 1.EUR 2nd place: 30 days house renewal + 0,50USD /0.40EUR 3rd place: 10 day premium account + $100,000 This contest is only valid on Server 2 ( starting now and ending midnight 26th March, 2017. Please make sure that your account is linked in order to join the contest. Best of luck!

I wish there were heists in SA:MP

Hello,please do not post useless threads such as this one,otherwise you will sivir consequences for this.However,you can post your sugesstions here. Thread locked

Fix it pleasee

Thread locked

1 2

About Terra:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 28/06/2014

Logged in: 19/04/2019

Recently played

7 years ago - Played 35 minutes

Most gaming time

2755 hours and 30 minutes

Recent achievements

Create a screenshot with 500 views Completed 16/01/2024
Make 50 posts on the forums Completed 21/08/2017
Make 10 posts on the forums Completed 01/11/2016