



UncleBoc Advanced player

Forum posts (12)

Suggestions on SA-MP

It would be good if you bring back /contribute option. :)

0.25 USD x2 giveaways

Its number 61

Birthday giveaway

Flury won 1st place (0.60e)
KostarGR won 2nd place (0.40e)
Jaxy won 3dh place (0.20e)
Congratz to them again. :)

Birthday giveaway

Guys, giveaway has ended, thank you all for participe in giveaway :)

Birthday giveaway

Hello everyone, yesterday was my birthday, buy I had to much works whole week so Im making giveaway now, and I will pick winner on 8. march at 00.00, this is how this goes, you wrote number from 1 to 100 and I choose 3 winners
First number that we get from wil win 0.60eur
Second number will get 0.40eur
Third will get 0.20eur
Good luck to everyone! :)

Stole77 - Birthday giveaway

Number 1 :P

I need a refund plezz help me admin

This guy..

How these servers changed your life?

I had a girlfriend, now I don't, miss her sometimes but she does not understand that props expire every 24h, so that relationship don't work for me..

--- Apply for helper ---

Apply for: Helper position, server 2
In game name: Uncle_B
Age: 18
Languages: Serbian, Spanish and English
Total gaming time on the server: 791 hours.
Gaming time per day: 4-7 hours, during weekends 8-13 hours.
Level: 48
Registered on web: 29/08/2013

Why am I banned

My nick is Kir_Janja, I was playing today and I logged off so I could sleep when I woke up and tried to sing in I couldnt login because I am banned? Why am I banned?

Something is happening,something really bad

When I join a game it apears some words,numbers and i don't know what is it,its write like this

Client Network Stats
Download rate: 1.09kb/s
Upload rate: 0.06kb/s
Vehicles: 0
Vehicle models: 0
Vehicle models loaded: 80
RWObjects: 599
PedSlotsUsed: 0
ObjectsSlotsUsed: 479
OnFoot Send Rate: 40
Streaming Mem Used: 56MB Total:128MB
Messages in Send buffer: 0
Messages send: 16
Bytes sent: 1310
Acks sent: 1163
Acks in sent buffer: 0
Messages waiting for ack: 0
Messages resent: 0
Bytes resent: 0
Packetlost: 0.0%
Messages reveived: 1170
Bytes reveived: 49974
Acks received: 0
Duplicate acks received: 0

Do anyone knows what the heck is this?


Nickname [SRB]Uncle_Boc,few minutes ago I was planing to login on server,but then I got a message ''You are banned from this server''. I don't know reason,and account of my two brothers are banned too,their nicknames are '''fffff'' and ''[SWit]'',they are noobs,and don't english,maybe they did something,but I still don't know why am I banned,so help?


About UncleBoc:

Nothing written yet.

Registered: 29/08/2013

Logged in: 22/02/2021

Recently played

No gaming activity yet

Most gaming time

No gaming activity yet

Recent achievements

Make 10 posts on the forums Completed 09/03/2017
Set a forum signature Completed 15/01/2017
Receive 100 likes Completed 15/12/2016