thread can be locked cuz thread owner has been banned and probably leaving that server
12/01/2025server 2
player : only1
time : right now
i can provide video, me and player ofir was fighting in elq then i got that ban from anti cheat i dont know if he record that from his side but from my side in the moment i got ban i started recording and i showed every single file in my gta with gta page open to make sure its directly after the ban i can provide video and you can ask ofir if he got video from his side tooo bcs i dont even have any cheat file or any wierd mods
So u telling me the mute reason is "been toxic" very funny bcs I have seen +20 players spammed same thing and not getting anything even a guy started makingcjokes against Arabs by calling them suicide bombers and after repotting admins said u can ignore why admin never "ignored" in my situation?
12/01/2025i just got mute by shinchan for seying "kys" which means "kill your self" there is no inslute in that and no trash talk at all its totally normal thing i got now bcs of that mute 29 TOXIC score
i wanna ask why both of me an Cortze. getting targetd by admins team Abusing their Power for Tottaly normal things ??? i cant take that any more and wait for 9h to chat in normal chat just bcs i tell some one three letters ?
server : s2
hello that just happend in today rollback
i am not 100% sure but i am very very very sure i lost around 2m in server roll back will be good if u check logs too
today i logged in with +8m money i bough some wpns and got hydra for 1.5m i playyed in that hydra for cople minuts then hydra got destroyed i been into some small aummo fights and then server got rollback i back to the Moment before hydra got destroyed with only 3.2m and no hydra?
as allways take all time u need to talk about that with each other just give me message to know that admins have seen this thread
09/01/2025i was parking my hydra in las colinas near east beach not even moving then i got crash when i joined back i didnt find any hydra
hydra hp was 90 still new and not even 1h passed
Registered: 15/10/2020
Logged in: 9 hours ago