



Xebec Legendary player

Forum posts (129)

Selling or buying on SA-MP

-Selling S3 -Full Purple FT-Infernus (Vehicle Color 211) Dove Livery (Livery Color 232). -Contact me in-game or on the web for further information about the car. -Photo: First Photo / Second Photo

Suggestions on SA-MP

It doesn't make sense at all. A Hunter costs 1.5m(correct me if i'm wrong) and the repair vehicle item costs around 300k - 350k / 5000RP from /rpshop. Just with these prices you can understand that putting a cd is irrational and unfair for the player who put so much money for a temporary vehicle. I like this spirit of discussion and proposing new things, but above all you have to see all the aspects and then you can post your ideas. At least you will have some "solid" arguments.

Show your self off.

You are in good shape haha

black project heist glitch

Hello, Please report this bug in this section ==> Bug Reports

why was I banned for cheats?

Unfortunately, without proof. It is impossible to plead innocent.

why was I banned for cheats?

Hi, If you believe your ban was a mistake, you must show an evidence of your gameplay. The next time, please follow the Unban Rules

Events, actions and streams

Honestly, next time I'll take your advice. Because I didn't want to force people to participate or anything like that. But thank you for this beautiful words and that it did not go unnoticed

Events, actions and streams

Today is 22/01/2024 I officially announce the end of the Contest ! The winners are: R3dfield and that's all. Unfortunately I wish there were a lot more players to participate, but the difficulty of the stunts was very hard. I did even increase the reward. I would like to say that it's a waste in my opinion.

Events, actions and streams

Gorgerous! From what I see, this method still works! #Accepted

Events, actions and streams

UPDATE: As I noticed these stunts are way too hard for you. I decided to increase the prize to 6,000,000$ for the 3 WINNERS. To be honest, I thought some of you had the skills to do this, but my imagination plays tricks on me.

Events, actions and streams

Hello, dear players! I decided to organize a new NRG-500 Stunt Contest. There will be 3 WINNERS.Each one of them will receive 4,000,000$. The Contest starts in 12/01/2024 and it ends in 22/01/2024 ! Stunts to reproduce: You must reply under this thread with a video uploaded on YouTube performing Stunts according to these Rules: - Don't place a truck or anything that can help you do the Stunt. - Stunts should only be performed in WTLS 2 & WTLS 3 Servers. - I do not accept videos that have already been made before this CONTEST. - Your video must follow the rules I have quoted here. Otherwise, you will be eliminated from the CONTEST. Good luck to everyone, the important thing is to participate and have fun !

Suggestions on SA-MP

I love all these suggestions and especially the one about collisions ! Except this one. In a race, we need Challenge and Dexterity. We shouldn't make them easy either.

I lost my money.


Unfortunately, you don't understand anything. You're just trying to be right. Learn to stay in your place and leave it to the administrators, thank you !

I lost my money.

Hello, I'm sure no one joined the race. So please don't respond to a thread that doesn't concern you and you don't have the resources to resolve it.

I lost my money.


Even if I took all the checkpoints or not, the server will refund the amount you set when you started the race (Of course if nobody joined it).

By the way, keep your nose away from these matters since you are not concerned.

I lost my money.

Hello ! I'm here to inform you that I lost my money when I started the race "Sa Endurance" for 500K and no one joined, so obviously I should get my money back as usual but this time it is not the case. Here's the proof

Extremely helpful suggestion

Hello ! It's not the right place to suggest something ! You can post your suggestion here Suggestions on SA-MP.

Losing 10m due to lags

Hello ! It's your fault, you're the one who purchased a ticket from 450,000,000$ San Andreas Lotto. As far as I know, the server can't buy something at your place.

Earn xp

Hello, LvSnake ! There are many ways to gain xp. I suggest you to do /minigames, /races, /jobs, /ceo, /ganghelp, /eventy and much more. But here is not the right place to ask this kind of questions, you can ask a helper to help you in-game without creating a thread for small reasons.

Selling or buying on SA-MP

SELLING A House at Mulholland Intersection [77 days left] with car slot. Server : WTLS 3 Price : 35m Contact me on /web or in-game /pm.

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About Xebec:

When I'm around, always have to hold on.

Registered: 04/11/2021

Logged in: 4 hours ago

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Create a screenshot with 100 views Completed 24/06/2024
Leave 50 comments Completed 25/02/2023
Receive 100 likes Completed 09/02/2023