Hello, everybody! This is my first job concept. If it doesn't suite with the rules of this site I will delete it. I just wanted to share an idea on a job or more not force the developers to add it, and probably use it when Open.mp will be available and... (more)
Hello, everybody! This is my first job concept. If it doesn't suite with the rules of this site I will delete it. I just wanted to share an idea on a job or more not force the developers to add it, and probably use it when Open.mp will be available and the server will be bigger than before. I am not a developer, just a SAMP and MTA player with at least a decade of experience.
Job name: Handy Man
How to start it:
1. You enter a Rumpo (I play this server for almost a month and I didn't see a single Rumpo) or Pony;
2. You press 2 when you get in the car.
3. You drive to a house/checkpoint.
4. After you arrive at the house you leave the car and enter the building.
5. Upon arrival, you will get the task to either repair the TV, computer, sink, bathroom, stereo or bed.
5.1. If electronics cannot be repaired on the house, you are taking the things and ran with them into the car to later deliver them at a garage or a property that specialize in these things.
6. After the repair was done you get $4200 and continue to next checkpoint.
Two players: Yes
10 skills - A hat
50 skills - Able to buy property
100 skills - 20% bigger payout
-It would be recommended to have at least 5 to 8 houses where you can repair in the three big cities;
-You cannot steal the electronics, but if you do, you get wanted stars;
-This will not have a timer;
-Delivering the broken electronic to the repair station/property gives you $2500;
-You can only play on two players, three will be chaotic and way to real life.
What do you think about this idea?
Do you think it will work out on this server or not? Tell us in the comments. (less)