He was one of the best admins,always did a good job. He will be miss. He was also a Legend in the server. Good Bye Szyszka we will never forget you for the work you did. :/
Szyszka know also as:"Ban she" "/reprot syazka for dm" =) lmao comments "He did go on a vacation but he also left and quit." sounds like "he is death, but also died and was buried" xD
Ahh memories i once remember i shot him in the Four Dragons Casino and he killed me rudely :/ anyways he will be missed because he barely spoke in the main chat and was indeed a LEGEND
lmao comments
"He did go on a vacation but he also left and quit." sounds like "he is death, but also died and was buried" xD
1820 hours played and u still dont know its "HE" :D .. :s