it's more like "Being helped by teachers with a higher rank" xD But yea, i still suck at CS. It's just fun to play with Bang and Mango, that's the only reason that i still do it, cuz in a game with supremes i barely get like 12 kills xD
But afterall, it's still just for fun
Hat3MeLegendary playerLevel 14417/10/2015 08:48 AM
sleepwalking, i do play esea, im a 16-19 rws player my rws is currently 18.8, i havn't renewed esea since the beginning of this month, i uploaded this to celebrate Theseus and Mango this is mango's first time being Supreme and Theseus Getting LE, i've been global for about 2 years so yeah.. i did play faceit tourney's back when i took csgo seriously, i dont have time for that now i just play mm for fun
But yea, i still suck at CS. It's just fun to play with Bang and Mango, that's the only reason that i still do it, cuz in a game with supremes i barely get like 12 kills xD
But afterall, it's still just for fun
the beginning of this month, i uploaded this to celebrate Theseus and Mango this is mango's first time being Supreme and Theseus Getting LE, i've been global for about 2 years so yeah..
i did play faceit tourney's back when i took csgo seriously, i dont have time for that now i just play mm for fun
as i said, no offense, i just misunderstood the point of this picture i guess
+ The VAC wave was kinda needed as well tbh :D