This is final warning, the post which are not following the format will be removed instantly
Follow this format
This is final warning, the post which are not following the format will be removed instantly Follow this format “1. Specify the item and provide a detailed description (for example the location of a house, the upgrades on a vehicle, etc.) 2. Attach a screenshot of the item 3. What is the current min and max price? 4. State the starting price at which you wish to sell the item”
Your request is now approved therefore you can contact an online admin on the server and request to remove the limit.
You can also link this post to the admin for verification.
Your request is now approved therefore you can contact an online admin on the server and request to remove the limit. You can also link this post to the admin for verification.
i got offer 15.5M limit for comet
MIN: 10M
MAX: 12M
But the player told me i have to wait to 00:30
so i just put it here to be ready after that. ty
[admin][/admin]FT COMET S BODCI/AMMO i got offer 15.5M limit for comet MIN: 10M MAX: 12M But the player told me i have to wait to 00:30 so i just put it here to be ready after that. ty
jalla i sold it. sorry i try delete forum. thaank you tho
jalla i sold it. sorry i try delete forum. thaank you tho
niCeLead ManagerLegendary playerLevel 33911/01/2025 08:26 AM
New rules:
New rules:
“If you want to request a one-time removing of the auction limit because the item you want to sell has a value different from the minimum and maximum starting prices, please write in this topic:
1. Specify the item and provide a detailed description (for example the location of a house, the upgrades on a vehicle, etc.) 2. Attach a screenshot of the item 3. What is the current min and max price? 4. State the starting price at which you wish to sell the item
Following rules apply: - You can only post request when you want to sell vehicle, house or property - Adding obviously nonsensical requests will lead to ban on web - You can't post request, when the price exceeds 500M - You can't post request, when the price exceeds 2x current max starting price
Your request will be reviewed by the administrators. If approved, the administrators will remove the auction limit for you one time, allowing you to start the auction for the item at the starting price you specified in this thread. It is prohibited to set starting prices different from those you have stated in this topic - if you violate this, we will deduct the whole amount you sold the item for.
Your request doesn't need to be public, you can post it in admin tags, allowing only admins to see it.”
So does that mean there is nothing is this game that worth more than 500M?.
I am talking about houses and cars?
Like not even 0/0 or 1/1 LSPD or 205/1 or 211/ 1 special coloured emergency vehicles will be sold under 500M?
No matter if the person has bought it in past for billions ?
So does that mean there is nothing is this game that worth more than 500M?. I am talking about houses and cars? Like not even 0/0 or 1/1 LSPD or 205/1 or 211/ 1 special coloured emergency vehicles will be sold under 500M? No matter if the person has bought it in past for billions ?