“HHHHH I GOT BANNED TOLD YA IM NEXT! GG GAME”rip “Crazy self bust”“Dude is showing off his smooth aimbot even after 90 days ban,that is insane”i got no words for u guys
ChinTapakAdvanced playerLevel 6825/01/2025 07:02 AM
Dude is showing off his smooth aimbot even after 90 days ban,that is insane
“The only person on the server who brought me a fight in micro, as I told you before you got banned "You're going to get banned for cheating even though you don't use aimbot with micro". People who shoot too well with a micro end up getting banned for cheating, I did a 10 killstreak on you, and I killed you many times in 1v1. I'm sure I'm next in line. It was fun playing against you with Micro. GL”
“Crazy self bust”“Dude is showing off his smooth aimbot even after 90 days ban,that is insane”i got no words for u guys
“The only person on the server who brought me a fight in micro, as I told you before you got banned "You're going to get banned for cheating even though you don't use aimbot with micro". People who shoot too well with a micro end up getting banned for cheating, I did a 10 killstreak on you, and I killed you many times in 1v1. I'm sure I'm next in line. It was fun playing against you with Micro. GL”