I Really tired everyone acusing me cheats old players and new players too here your aimbot <3 cheaters talking on me ;dd
IF my aim good i'm aimboter
IF my scroll is good i am autoscroller
IF they cant aim on me i am Godmoder
Without... (more)
I Really tired everyone acusing me cheats old players and new players too here your aimbot <3 cheaters talking on me ;dd
IF my aim good i'm aimboter
IF my scroll is good i am autoscroller
IF they cant aim on me i am Godmoder
Without edit for trashtalker kids
watch video hope you enjoy (less)
What a poor lol
Punisher please money in game and in discord u begg like a poor for money
Go work and get money lol
Kos ama shelha koksonel ben zona
Ata yhol rk ttksher aly bgll kesf al ma ata mdebr lmao