I Really tired everyone acusing me cheats old players and new players too here your aimbot <3 cheaters talking on me ;dd
IF my aim good i'm aimboter
IF my scroll is good i am autoscroller
IF they cant aim on me i am Godmoder
Without... (more)
I Really tired everyone acusing me cheats old players and new players too here your aimbot <3 cheaters talking on me ;dd
IF my aim good i'm aimboter
IF my scroll is good i am autoscroller
IF they cant aim on me i am Godmoder
Without edit for trashtalker kids
watch video hope you enjoy (less)
What a poor lol
Punisher please money in game and in discord u begg like a poor for money
Go work and get money lol
Kos ama shelha koksonel ben zona
Ata yhol rk ttksher aly bgll kesf al ma ata mdebr lmao
and GuradiaN Stop cry when pro players rekts you , your aimbot is nothing u still nab xDDD