Thanks for all the trashtalkers and haters who made me better.
If you ever talk trash for someone, be sure to look at yourself first ;)
I'll chill off with these bangers for some time, but there will be alot more to come.
Thanks and enjoy... (more)
Thanks for all the trashtalkers and haters who made me better.
If you ever talk trash for someone, be sure to look at yourself first ;)
I'll chill off with these bangers for some time, but there will be alot more to come.
Thanks and enjoy ! (less)
You think that everyone in this World should be good and everyone should love each other but thats wrong
Some people love to hate and even if they dont know you, they'll still trashtalk you because thats how the World is
There's good guys and Bad guys and everyone has the right to chose his side
I personally chosed the Hater side because i'm not your standard WTLS player, I just hate everyone and i'm not friendly at all
If you ever talk trash for someone, be sure to look at yourself first ;)”Yeah. i agree with this