Dude Today i was playing with him at ds server :D not old video btw *not how you take this game seriously ..*im for hungary since and u not know hungary since no whan have cheats whan i join cz/sk than i see must players have cheats
Prooxyho ing several times I called him on Skype but probably not those that prooxy uses cheats ass ... and this video is how old? in Nick's ids ids and fell apart a year ago and a half ... alone here in ids .. Prooxy was able to play without cheats cheats but sometimes they turn on the ass .. plus Meny prooxyho taught myself .. and something Prooxyho I know personally all the time .. but you do not how you take this game seriously ..
*not how you take this game seriously ..*im for hungary since and u not know hungary since no whan have cheats whan i join cz/sk than i see must players have cheats